Sunday, July 19, 2009

Family Quilt #1 - done!

Indeed, rather than finishing my progress reports for tomorrow, I instead picked up a needle and thread and finished my first family quilt!

It's not your typical family quilt with a scrap of fabric from every family member sewn together with neat patterns. I'm not that advanced, but I am going to insert pictures in those "frames" and hang it in our living room to cozy it up a bit. The back is the same pattern as the pink sides and hearts. You can click on the picture to enlarge it, but the center heart says, "Families that are stitched together in love seldom unravel." I'm so happy about the batting inside! It gives it a "plush" feel. :)

One down; as-many-as-I-can-without-a-sewing-machine more to go!

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