One - Complete 5 of the 30 challenges. No more than 1 challenge per day (so it should take you at least 5 days to do). First person to reach any 5 wins a prize!
Two - Take pictures of yourself/yourselves completing any of the challenges. No more than 2 pictures may be submitted per activity (so if you do this for each day, you will have a total max of 30 pictures sent). The person to send the most (out of the 30 possible) also wins a prize!
Day #6 - Drop your business card in a raffle drawing

Day #7 - Bake cupcakes for somebody
I was outside taking pictures of my kids enjoying their Jamba Juice (see Day #5) when all the third graders started singing "Happy Birthday." I thought it was for a student in the other class but they sang it for me! My co-worker (whom I'm very fond of) had baked cupcakes for the classes in celebration. How sweet of her! After our kids had plenty of sugar, we sent them off to their Mandarin class.
Day #8 - Go on a "date" with someone dear to you

Day #9 - Jump on the bed (but not for too long)
Something about my excitement and a huge bed reminded me of the Glee episode "Mattress."
My recreation of it:
My failure:
Day #10 - Eat a salad
One food I can't live without is salad. The fresh and crisp lettuce and/or spinach with the hearty texture of garbanzo and pinto beans. The tanginess in the bell peppers, the sweetness in the corn, cancer-fighting broccoli, and vitamin-rich fruit. Mix it with some tri-tip and you've gone to Pluto's and back - the restaurant, that is. Mr. Woo and I favor this place so much that we ate it for two of our three meals during our stay. I would sign a petition to bring one to our neighborhood. (Try the "Garlic Potato Rings," aka garlic fries, too!)
We'll be back with more of our 30-Day Challenge. Stay tuned! :)
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