Wednesday, March 31, 2010

20 blooms for 20 days

Mr. Woo was kind enough to let me buy two bunches of daffodils (that's 20 stems for $3)! Since flowers are a rare treat in the Woo residence, I'm determined to make these cheery blooms last as long as possible. I present my game plan for this challenge... (feel free to add your tips in the comments!)

First, remove any plastic and rubber bands. I prefer to use scissors for this step - no need to potentially cause any accidents (ie, breakage).

You want to remove any leaves that will be submerged under water. These are the midnight trains to bacteria. Yuck. But in this case, the daffodils have uninterrupted pure stems so no removing necessary.

Then, under running cold water snip the end of the stem at an angle, a nice crisp cut.

Next, place your flowers in a vase. And by vase, I mean whatever clean object that you want to place your beauties in. I like the look of root beer bottles (and/or mason jars) with yellow blooms, a little laid-back country flair. :)

 Add a pretty ribbon to give it some kick, and watch the flowers bloom! Mine started opening up a few hours after happily sitting in water. I did add some warm water to encourage blooming at a faster rate (I like flowers; I lack patience)...

A few other tips:
  • Change water often so as to keep it fresh.
  • Be careful about storing flowers in the fridge. Ours at home is not set at the same temperature nor humidity. Also, the fruits and veggies emit a gas that will kill them.
  • Don't have a potion packet from the florist? Many suggest sugar or dropping in an aspirin.
  • Make the most of your money spent and separate your bouquet into smaller arrangements that can be placed all around the home.

Spring is in the air... and now in our kitchen too! :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

"Don't let Mrs. Woo see!"

This year, I've been stressing to my students the importance of thankfulness and why we are to help/encourage/love others. These are two areas that I am reminding myself as I teach them so it's an area I weave into any lesson I can. (Sidenote: It bothers me so when teachers give laundry lists and never explain the reason behind all our thoughts/speech/actions.)

Recently, I caught a flu bug (I know, only a week after I had the cold!) and had to stay home with my fever and jugs of water. Once my fever went down, I was back in school - we can't have people thinking I was taking an early Spring Break now could we. But it was a challenge as I couldn't use my louder "teacher voice," so everything I said was pretty much whispered. I actually do this sometimes to grab their attention. They know that if they miss what I say, that I'm not going to repeat it (if they were not paying attention), so it works wonders. 

And on Friday, I had an interesting day-long weaving of a conversation with two of my girls...

Student #1: Mrs. Woo, what's your favorite color?
Mrs. Woo: It depends. Why?
Student #1: Uh, because we're making you something...?
Mrs. Woo: It depends.

[3 hours later]

Student #2: Mrs. Woo, which sticker do you like the best? (hands me a book of stickers)
Mrs. Woo: Oh wow! ... I like this red heart and this purple heart.

[3 minutes later]

Student #1: Mrs. Woo, which color do you like the best? (hands me a pack of markers)
Mrs. Woo: Well, it depends. If it's a flower I like this color...
Student #1: It's not a flower...
Mrs. Woo: If it's a heart I like this color...
Student #1: It's not a heart...
Mrs. Woo: If it's a bunny rabbit I like this color...
Student #1: It's not a bunny rabbit...
Mrs. Woo: If it's a ...
Students #1: That's too many!
Mrs. Woo: Oh, hmm, but I like all of them!

[1 minute later]

Student #1: (Giving me all the markers that I chose earlier) Mrs. Woo, which color do you like best out of these - only one or two or three colors.
Mrs. Woo: Alright, alright...

[2 hours later]

Student #1: Are you giving it to Mrs. Woo, yet?
Student #2: No, not yet. Don't let Mrs. Woo see!
Student #1: Uh, Mrs. Woo, what did you see?
Mrs. Woo: I saw paper.
Student #1: But you don't know what's on the paper.
Mrs. Woo: No, I don't. (waiting patiently... and eagerly)

[1 hour later]

Student #2: Mrs. Woo, this is for you.
Mrs. Woo: Awww! It's beaUtiful!
Student #1: Open it now!
Mrs. Woo: I should open it now?
Students #1 and #2: Yeah!!!
Mrs. Woo: Okay!

Here it is, in it's handmade 3rd grade glory...

Envelope front:

Envelope back:

Card front:

Card inside:

How cute is that! :D Nothing makes me happier teacher than when I see my students practicing, on their own initiative, what they've been taught! Eeeee, so exciting! 

They even cut out the heart (probably because every time they ask me if they can use markers I tell them to make sure it doesn't bleed through), and were meticulous in making sure all the lines matched up to the sheet they glued it onto. 

A for details, A- for conventions, A+ for love and care. :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fearfully and wonderfully made

In researching some phrases for the word "pregnant" (yes, I do research like that and it's not because I'm bored), I was disturbed to find an answer given by one female. The question was asking for slang regarding the term "pregnant." I'm thinking, "bun in the oven," "pea in a pod," and learned of "wearing apron high," and "rabbit is dead." But one person's answer was this:
for the (thankfully) short time i was pregnant, i asked my boyfriend to refer to it as "in need of an abortion," lol. sorry, that's not helpful.

This made me angry, sad, and left me in shock. But after fuming for a bit I turned to a brother who speaks passionately on this topic, one whom I respect much for it - John Piper. In one of his articles he gives 10 Reasons Why It Is Wrong To Take the Life of Unborn Children.

  1. God commanded, "Thou shalt not murder" (Exodus 20:13)
  2. The destruction of conceived human life - whether embryonic, fetal, or viable - is an assault on the unique person-forming work of God.
  3. Aborting unborn humans falls under the repeated Biblical ban against "shedding innocent blood."
  4. The Bible frequently expresses the high priority God puts on the protection and provision and vindication of the weakest and most helpless and most victimized members of the community.
  5. By judging difficult and even tragic human life as a worse evil than taking life, abortionists contradict the widespread Biblical teaching that God loves to show his gracous power through suffering and not just by helping people avoid suffering.
  6. It is a sin of presumption to justify abortion by taking comfort in the fact that all these little children will go to heaven or even be given full adult life in the resurrection.
  7. The Bible commands us to rescue our neighbor who is being unjustly led away to death.
  8. Aborting unborn children falls under Jesus' rebuke of those who spurned children as inconvenient and unworthy of the Savior's attention.
  9. It is the right of God the Maker to give and to take human life. It is not our individual right to make this choice.
  10. Finally, saving faith in Jesus Christ brings forgiveness of sins and cleansing of conscience and help through life and hope for eternity. Surrounded by such omnipotent love, every follower of Jesus is free from the greed and fear that might lure a person to forsake these truths in order to gain money or avoid reproach.

He hits the nail square on the head. What happened to courage? To standing up for what is right, what is true? Family, let us pray fervently and love the world in another way. The abortion war is not primarily about the women, not fundamentally about the unborn child, but it has everything to do with the glory of God!

John Piper comments on the supremacy of Christ and the issue of abortion. Be encouraged.

"I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
          Wonderful are Your works,
          And my soul knows it very well."
                                                              -Psalm 139:14

Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Madness

March Madness has begun and while that to me means grades are due soon, allergies galore from all the dust, mud from the rain showers, it seems to mean a whole other thing for sports fans.

Mr. Woo and I were sitting on the futon after dinner when he averted his attention to the CAL game against I-don't-know-who. It was a tight game (I only know because he briefed me that they were 5 points down). My interest perked when he mentioned "the super-tall Asian guy" and asked if I had seen him. I have!! In the SLC!! Everyone stared at him because he was so tall. I even remember suggesting that he play basketball (good thing I did this among friends and not to the guy directly because apparently he's on the team already...).

Anyhoo, we're watching when I felt something vibrate on my left thigh.
Mr. Woo: Sorry, Boo Boo. I couldn't hold that one in.
Mrs. Woo: Ahhh, it's stinky!!
Mr. Woo: Oh, sorry! *sniff* *sniiiiiiiiiiiiif* (turns back to the game) C'mon, close the gap!
Mrs. Woo: -_-

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Teachers Appreciat[ed] at Borders

We're back from attending what was called the Educators Appreciation Reception at Borders. Aside from the skeptical looks (and comments) we received at the small table in an obscure location upstairs, we also took home FREE coffee beans as well as other goodies! We entered ourselves in the raffle drawings, one for ourselves and one for our school, for some prizes. This is definitely a time when our "one-ness" does not apply.

The second name drawn out of the fishbowl was me! Yippee! I won a loot of goodies which included a Paperchase spiral notebook, a set of pens, and a Burt's Bees gift pack, all wrapped elegantly in the plastic-white Borders unrecycled bag:

Looks like I'm officially a Woo clan member. :)

But of course that didn't stop this Asian woman (aka ahjumah) from grabbing some other freebies on my way out. Don't worry, I left some for other educators that were to come later (I'm Asian-American). Though I am regretting the fact that I didn't grab a gigantic heart shaped cookie, too...

Oh, right, the discount. All educators get 30% off most items in stores from March 19-27. These do not have to be for professional use, unlike the Classroom Discount Card.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dinner is served

Once upon a time, Mrs. Woo had a long meeting on a Friday afterschool. It put her in the dumps a bit, but have no fear - food was near!


Woo style:

And she ate happily ever after. The end.

Oh, wait - Prince Charming:

The (real) end:


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Curry revamped...

Last week Mr. Woo took his final for one of his classes. He phoned afterward to tell me he was on his way home. A few minutes into my meal prep, an impersonator phoned claiming to be "Pooki" and that she "love[s] Boo." This pretender wanted to come over for dinner

So I let Hedder in our home.

Mr. Woo had requested curry. Now, you know how much he likes curry. But he made a modification to this request. He wanted it with noodles. I thought this was so bizarre, but later he explained that it'd be something like a Thai dish. Ohhhhh, it all made sense now!

Off to the kitchen I went like a good, loving wifey to make my Thai-inspired noodles. I made the Japanese curry and had to use frozen veggies due to the lack of fresh ones (not that I didn't like the convenience of it). While that was left to simmer, I boiled the pasta. The special touch? Crushed caramelized peanuts! Absolutely turned the $5 dish into $13. Hedder even said it was "fancy." :D

Above, you'll see two people genuinely enjoying their meal. It was actually good! (Pooki, feel free to make these innovative suggestions more often.) You'll also notice the stark contrast in their speed of ingesting and inhaling, respectively.

But seriously, I was able to clean up, do some of the dishes, and returned to (still) see this:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our table is set

Jonny has been the self-proclaimed "most patient reader" in awaiting the results of our last Poker Night.

It started with gchat messages like this:
who won?
  i think i've waited patiently
  for your blog
it has been 6 days since wednesday

Since then, I've gotten more written and verbal reminders about the suspense I've been creating with him. But it still baffles me why he didn't just ask Freddy or another contestant...

Without further ado, it's my pleasure to announce that after two whole months we've finally filled our last seat at the table! (It's going to be an interesting championship game as I look at those who will be in attendance.) Bring to the table your poker faces, empty tummies, and some level of cordiality - and welcome to the table...

...R.Shu! Congratulations!

Our winner during the pre-victory meal at Yoshi's.

Fresh oysters complements of the chef due to our acquaintance with one of the waiters, whom I haven't seen since sophomore year of college!

Roll call:

1. Mrs. Woo
2. (J)onny/Mrs. Woo
3. Freddy
4. Mr. Woo
5. Tadamus
6. R.Shu
Champion: ???

An e-mail will be sent out to coordinate the details for the final game!

Who do you think is going to take all? ;

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The old man is snoring...

From the sounds of it, many of you have already heard Dennis' story of how much Mr. Woo missed me. It, the short version, goes something like this...

Mr. Woo, MikeG, and Dennis were assigned to one sleeping quarter. Before heading down south, I gave heed to dear Husband that it would be a battle of sleeping first in order to gain the best rest. From what I heard, Mike is a "machine," causing one roommate to grab his headphones in the middle of the night and the other to wish he had brought a pair.

At this point, you're probably thinking that it was both Dennis and Mr. Woo who lost sleep. But then Dennis told me the other (awake) side of the story.

Apparently, Mr. Woo konked out the minute his head hit the pillow, just like Mike. But unknowingly Mr. Woo inched toward Dennis throughout the night. This was a problem for Dennis because: (a) he had melodious snoring in his ear; and (b) he was not me.

FYI, I sleep on the right side of the bed while Mr. Woo sleeps on the left side. And we're definitely snugglers and cuddlers. I should have warned Dennis of this routine, so he wouldn't end up on the ground.

Dennis - Thanks for being a trooper, and bearing with my husband's snoring. Don't worry, he makes up for it in his sweet, patient, and encouraging ways. :)

For future brothers who will be rooming with Mr. Woo - If he starts snoring, flip him onto his side. Doing so while notifying, "You're snoring," will result in getting a sincere, "Oh sorry," in response. However, if he has a full plate of responsibilities at the moment, ask the front desk for extra pillows and/or get another deep-sleeping snorer to trade with you so the two of the men will make melodious music in the night. Those are my tips for you. If you sleep with him for a while, you'll get used to it. (But I lost a lot of sleep my first month of marriage... hehe)

I'm just so happy that my Pooki is back!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Since you've been gone

My previous post mentioned why I've been having cold (but not sleepless - too tired for that) nights. Though my personal 5'10" portable furnace has been gone, I'm keeping busy with work, music, and catching up on the Olympics. I also have a Poker Night #6 update for you coming up.

Meanwhile, I was surprised today to have a pod of middle schoolers (MS) enter my classroom during lunch.

My face:  o_O  (They never come into my room unless they're in the Afterschool Program, which uses my classroom.)

One of the students (the sister of one of my own) says, "Hi Mrs. Woo. How are you doing without your husband? Mr. Woo asked us to keep you company while he was gone..."

How cute - on both parties (though I don't think she was supposed to tell me that)! I'm so touched at my husband's thoughtfulness as well as these students' kindness. :) I love working with kids! And I love my Pooki even more!!! (heart)

By the way, Husband, the school put a package for you in my box, and I opened it out of curiosity. I don't think I was supposed to though... ;) But in my defense, I saw the back of the item and then quickly closed the envelope so I don't know what the front looks like!

The shirt reads: I heart MY HUSBAND. It was my wedding gift to Pooki. His reads: I heart MY WIFE.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Awaiting the King

I'll be the first to tell you how marriage happy I am. That M-word is one of my favorites in the English language! Our culture seems to not only come to a screeching halt when faced with the word, but also turn around and make a mad dash in the opposite direction. If half of the marriages in our society end in the D-word, that tells us that they don't fully understand the depth and breadth of this concept.

Ephesians 5 gives us the best description of marriage:
Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, because we are members of His body. FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND SHALL BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. Nevertheless, each individual among you also is to love his own wife even as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.

Weddings are wonderful but they are not a lifetime, but your marriage, Lord willing, will be. For me, this meant learning that I am to submit to my husband - no ifs or buts about it (I still fail in this area many times). For Pooki, it meant being (opposed to playing) the leader and shepherding over our family's souls. Of course there's more to it than those two points, but I'm saying that it's not about the butterflies you had when you were dating. Butterflies have a very short lifespan, literally and figuratively. A few months into dating, I didn't want to sit next to Mr. Woo, much less be in the same room as him, literally only. But the Lord was gracious, and we worked it out.

This passage of Scripture is so beautiful in its depiction of Man & Wife. The more I mull over it, the more I learn from the proverbial verses. I'm seeing another facet of the jewel up close and personal this week with Mr. Woo down at Shepherd's Conference. I'm excited for him to be able to attend and enjoy this Disneyland-for-pastors experience, however, I cannot wait until he comes home. And that's just like us in our wait for our Lord's second coming. Our Groom has momentarily left us to fulfill a greater purpose, and expects us to be faithful with what He has entrusted to us during this time. Many of us toil in the sun wiping our brows of the salty sweat from our work, but how few of us expectantly wait and yearn for His return!

Before Mr. Woo departed on his journey, I was told to be an encouragement while I man the fort. He exhorted me to trust in the Lord and read and pray so that I can tell him the things of which I was blessed with when he's back. He, also, would be learning - from godly, seasoned men, writing detailed notes so that he can share with me the benefits from his trip.

I was agreeable to my husband's wishes, but then it came - the river! Since we married, we have spent together, and only a couple of short days apart while we were dating. We commute together to work, we work at the same school and campus, we come home together, we serve at the same church in the same ministry (TM is under CM), and have done so for quite some time now. The time apart is like trying to take peanut butter away from jam - you just don't do it! But then I thought about it some more, and I think there are exceptions: You may only take peanut butter away from jam if you replace jam with bananas. And you know what tastes mighty good in addition? Honey! Mr. Woo is going away to be fed while I do some examining (we make idols out of anything, don't we...), but when he comes back we'll have something sweeter! This is all going to be refreshing with a glass of milk. :)

I'm still waiting, but when my king is back I can imagine that there will be much leaping and dancing. I miss Pooki!!!

 The photoholder craft (made at VBS '08) was made for me by Mr. Woo. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it reads: King of Kings, and has a red crown near the bottom. Handcrafted by my Honey Bun! I kept his (staff) school picture from 2008-09 next to it, but Mr. Woo has recently taken the boy bunny back to his desk "because they should be together." :)

Are YOU the next Poker Champ?

The night that Jonny has been waiting for...

he will have to still wait for as the Woos have been quite the busy bees around here. But it's about time for a break, isn't it? Pooki deserves it after what the TPAs are putting him through.

In good timing, Mr. Woo will be gone to Shepherds Conference later this week (he's super excited about it, having asked admin for these days off - back in October), which means - paarTAAAY! (teenage flashback, anyone?) Just kidding, kind of... As I will be very lonely, Mr. Woo has consented to letting me host our final Poker Night all by my lonesome before our Championship game!

Here we go:

You're invited!

Who: The first 5 people to sign up!
What: To our (somewhat) monthly PN
When: Wednesday, March 2 @ 7pm
Where: The Woo Residence
Why: For some "all in" action

Entrance Fee: Free*
Rides: Not provided

*Sorry, dinner not provided this time around. Our fridge is going hungry since half of the family will be gone for 4 nights. I'll make it up to you at Championship.

The Woo Society's Hall of Fame:

1. Mrs. Woo
2. (J)onny/Mrs. Woo
3. Freddy
4. Mr. Woo
5. Tadamus
6. ???

Champion: ???



UPDATE: Poker Night #6 will be held off-site so that Mrs. Woo doesn't have to eat by herself. :) Thanks, Fred + gang!