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We love honeymooning!This morning we woke up at the crack of dawn, had dear brother-in-law Nolan (who woke before the crack) drive us to the airport, fly to Long Beach (or somewhere around there), had our friend Eric drop us off at the port, and boarded our very first cruise!With the nifty everything-card (you use it as your key, credit card, etc.) they gave us, we boarded. They stuck in the card, told us to look down at the circle, took our picture onto the card as our ID, and off we went to find our stateroom.
Our names were posted on a Princess Cruises emblem tag outside the room. Later, we found out that the plastic tray-like thing it was attached to was our mailbox. Yay, mail! We took a browse through, oooh and ahhh'd over things, and even before unpacking, we went straight to business - the 24-hour buffet. There, we piled our plates high and put "bank for buck" to practice while flirting with "gluttony" (shame on us!).
There are two entrances to the buffet (That's good if you're eager to eat and don't want to go all the way around. It's bad if you're lacking exercise.) At the beginning of the station, they had the automatic Purell next to the stack of warm plates, utensils, and napkins. Then, you walk up and down the stations and grab whatever you want. :) Cy really liked the mashed potatoes. I really liked the bread. Needless to say, all our buffet plates had our favorite items on it.
Satisfied with the 4.5 stars rated food, we set out to the back of the ship (or was it the front?) for the departure. No Titanic reenactments were made due to the many precautions we were given from others. Apparently, many Jacks and Roses have fallen overboard or at least gotten hurt in one way or another from their dramatization.
Yes, we sported my wedding gift to Cy very proudly. I must say, I did feel like a newlywed on her honeymoon: (1) We had the "cheesy" t-shirts with our engagement picture on it which read "I heart MY HUSBAND" and (2) We were miles away from anyone we knew. After the departure, we rested a bit with ESPN, and then went to eat some more. There were a handful of restaurants on the ship, two of which were specialty restaurants (= pay extra). We went to one of the non-specialty restaurants to enjoy our meal which was included in our trip. Bread = yummy. Flower-shaped butter served on top of ice = pretty. Appetizers = 3/4 ordered. Entrees = 3/4 ordered. Dessert = 2/4 ordered. Dinner done well. To work it off, we toured some more on the ship and took some more pictures (we used up all of Nolie's 4GB to the very last second), and then went back to our room to turn on the idiot box and enjoy the sounds of the waves from our balcony.
Tomorrow is another day at sea on the Princess Sapphire! 
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