Thursday, December 31, 2009


Another year has come and gone again. Our first anniversary is right next door! I thought jumping into work right after graduating was a tough transition, but it turned out to be cake compared to all that 2009 has brought us!

On the 2nd day, we married then took off on our 7-night honeymoon on a cruise to Mexico Riviera. A week later, we returned still married and lovey-dovey to our respective jobs at the same school, Mr. Woo in 6/7/8 Math and Mrs. Woo in Third grade.

Mr. Woo has been teaching at school, while also being a full-time student for his credentials. He's been thoroughly enjoying his time at school - staying as late as possible - in attempts to build relationships with students and genuinely caring for their souls. However, he hasn't liked being a student again. He is back in school for his credentials as a means to provide for the family as he is called to do. Mr. Woo's leadership has been a blessing to the family, and still he strives to be a better husband with each new day. Mr. Woo has been adjusting into his role of Children's Ministry director at church, overseeing the Toddlers', Childrens', Youth, Awana, The Eastbay Academy Tutoring programs. And preaching every Sunday for the Childrens' service as well. (He covets your prayers!) This year has been one of diving into the Word as he's been finding glimmery nuggets of Truth and sharing them with others. I'm so encouraged (and challenged) to wake up most mornings and see him already up to prepare himself for the day's battles.

As for me, I've been enjoying the hands-on training that I get as a teacher. I'm making mental notes of what I would like and would not like to implement in child-rearing and educating (we're thinking about homeschooling) as we save up for future "investments." I've also been helping out in Toddlers' Ministry at church. Though I was bummed to not be serving in the college Covenant Flock Group, I'm happy to be ministering to the parents in this way and co-laboring alongside Husband. I've had my fair share of drama this year (pun intended), but rather than jumping into (musical) theatre, God opened doors to join the WEBS Praise Team. It's been a joy serving, knowing that I'm edifying the body. I'm thankful for your encouragement. This past year also gave me more responsibilities behind-the-scenes. Taking care of the home, cooking for my family, working full time, serving in TM, and helping with weddings has kept me very busy. It's been incredibly humbling and sanctifying but a great lesson in my need to set priorities and work heartily for the Lord, even if no one else acknowledges it.

The Woos as a couple have learned so much about themselves, especially our sinful tendencies. Every argument has been due to selfishness and a resistance to putting the other first. Of course, Mr. Woo has been persistent in not letting the sun go down on our anger (cf. Eph. 4:26), and so I'm able to laugh about the matter shortly after. If you think of us, please pray for us and our growth in 2010!
  • Mr. Woo - Selfless and bold leadership
  • Mrs. Woo - Humble and joyful submission

A New Year's post wouldn't be one without the (90%-of-what-we-set-will-probably-not-cross the-2-week-mark) resolutions...

For 2010:
  1. Become a Berean.
  2. Become a Proverbs 31 woman.

Simple, right? So after I master that, I'll tackle the following more measurable goals:
  1. Change my e-mail address.
  2. Change my drivers license.
  3. Change my passport.
  4. Change my CCs... (hey, at least I finally changed my legal name!)
  5. Lose the wedding weight.
  6. Write a few songs.
  7. Write a children's book.
  8. Budget consistently.
  9. Vacation frequently yet while being budget savvy.
  10. Get pregnant (and glow).

Which tasks have you listed after the phrase "For the year 2010, I will..."? ;)

    Wednesday, December 30, 2009

    Do You Hear What I Hear

    We're back from SoCal, and what.a.trip. Not only did we stuff our faces (surprise, surprise) with "awesome" food, but we spent time with extended family members ("love that"), and came back with still a few days of vacation left - "perfect."

    Christmas with Mr. Woo's family is so different than what I'm accustomed to. Spending several days with a bustling house filled with much noise was something I had only seen on TV and heard on the other line when I called friends to wish them a happy holiday. I guess being an only child with relatives living across borders makes it difficult to gather in such conditions. But, you know, this Christmas was a bit different from last year's in that his cousin's husband's sister's family joined us too.

    Meet the cousins + the Lavenders (circa Summer 2008):

    Yes, they have 5 girls. Yup, they all live under the same roof. Yeah, it's fun with them. I'm convinced that the more children the merrier - maybe not on the bank account, but in love, laughter, and cherished memories. Each is their own little person wrapped up with a different personality than the rest. What a joy! We're hoping to go visit them in the South sometime. It'd be my first trip to "my roots!"

    I'm sitting here in the living room (which I've been "poofing" this past fall), and I never realized how quaint and quiet our place was until now...

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009


    An update on my "one size fits all" saga...

    After I uploaded the pictures onto my computer, I got to thinking that there must be some good reason why the front of the robe looks the way it does. I've seen infomercials on Snuggies, and it's not one of those. After Sara's comment I mentioned that I had Mr. Woo try it on last night, but tonight was the night we discovered the designer's intent.

    Here I was, trying to work this thing like Tyra would advice (I'm supposed to even make a trash bag look like it's worth a million dollars, right?). I'm tucking in corners, wrapping one side to the other, and no matter what I do, it looks pathetic. So I did what I do when all else fails - tie it into a pretty bow. Or so I tried. I did feel more Heidi Klum this way though. See the resemblance?

    I was feeling pretty good about my alteration, and asked Mr. Woo to try it on again too. He obliged after the third time.

    Initially he wore part of it (the part that I had tied together) on his head asking, "What, I'm not supposed to wear it this way?" Secretly, I had to rethink throwing out this option. There has to be some reason why those flappy things are just hanging there in the front! Maybe providing a shielding hood was it?

    Then he pulled it down and actually wore it like a robe.

    "Hey, maybe this is supposed to go up like..." As he trailed off, his face told me that he had just discovered something terrific.

    "Maybe you're supposed to wear it the other way! ... Yeah, you're supposed to wear it the other way! Boo, you've been wearing it backwards this whole time."

    o_O Well, I'll be... I've been wearing it backward this entire time. But, you know, I don't think it matters how I wear it - I still look like the red is eating me.

    Saturday, December 12, 2009

    The 12 Days of Christmas

    You hear it every Christmas, from a variety of artists, even the Muppets! But here's something I heard/read for the first time...

    There is one Christmas carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

    This week, I found out.

    From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has twol levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.
    • The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
    • Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
    • Three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love.
    • The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
    • The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
    • The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
    • Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit - prophesy, serving, teaching, exhortation, contribution, leadership, and mercy.
    • The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
    • Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
    • The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.
    • The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
    • The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
     Interesting... I guess that answers some questions. Any thoughts?

    By the way, the image above is actually a coloring page that you can download here. If you have little ones, I'd head over here instead. There's more to print, craft, and interact with.

    Friday, December 11, 2009

    It's the Thought

    It was Nolie's birthday yesterday, so we took our brother out for dinner at Barceluna. (Side note: You know how most restaurants serve warm, freshly baked bread that you can dip into some vinegar and oil? Well, they give you olives, brown and green olives. o_O) When we came back home, we gave Nolie his gift, which I noticed Mr. Woo was eyeing himself (hehe).

    Unexpectedly, Mr. Woo mentioned that he had something for me too. Being the selfish being that I am, the first question out of my mouth (after squealing with excitement) was, "Is this my Christmas present...?" If it was, I was going to be disappointed that he was letting me open it so early. I like surprises and I like gifts, but 13 days early? But my patient husband replied, "No. It's a "just because" gift. I hope you like it. I thought you could use it since you get cold."

    "Awwww, thank you!!" (Shame on me!) So I open the package and decided to go with a better question. "Are you sure this is going to fit me?"

    With the lake of deals going around online, Mr. Woo caught this as one of his fish. "Yeah, it said one-size-fits-all."

    Who am I to not believe my husband? With 11.5 months on his past track record, he's still holding strong. Therefore, I tried it on for size and felt like a queen (literally, just without the crown). Take a look:

    Note: Those things hanging down the sides to my knees are actually the sleeves.

    Pooki, you're so sweet and thoughtful! It's not your fault that they didn't have people like me in mind when they labeled it with "all." I shall always be warm when I go for a swim in a sea of red fleece. :)

    Monday, December 7, 2009


    Though this post is directed toward one person or group, really, I thought I'd share the blessings of the Lord with everyone. :)

    After a grueling day of work, Mr. Woo and I drove home talking about the events that had occurred in each of our classrooms. It was nothing out of the ordinary, except that all days are extraordinary (insert heart), until we approached the front door to our home. Mr. Woo asked, "Did you order something for us?" I probably enjoy bargain-hunting much more than I should, but I couldn't recall anything but students name-calling and other shenanigans from earlier. We took the box inside and so our episode began.

    It was a big box, sent to "The Woos." The excitement filled the room as our tired countenances lit up with child-like glee.

    "Who would send this to us?"
    We each threw out some names that came to mind.

    "I heard this is one of the best commentary sets!"

    "Wow. Who would do this?"

    "How does it smell?"

    "There's no card or name anywhere?"
    Nope, just a message on the shipping sticker on the box.

    "I need to make room on my bookshelf!"
    Off Mr. Woo went to re-categorize his bookshelf.

    Ten minutes later, and a wardrobe change mid-way, Mr. Woo was almost ready to show me his new collection:

    And I get to benefit too! Thank you so much to the giver(s). We're thrilled to add more inked-up trees to our bookshelf (No, we're not very green when it comes to books. What can I say? We're traditional.) and thoroughly blessed by your kindness. It's truly amazing to see how the Lord blesses through His people, to His people - all for His glory. Mr. Woo is excited to jump into the deep end with The Expositor's Bible Commentary Set. You can read his thoughts here! I concur with his P.S. as my bookshelf is also at full capacity.

    Wednesday, December 2, 2009

    20 Reasons Why I Love My Husband

    There's exactly one month left until our one year anniversary! What an appropriate time to give a few reasons to why I love my dear, sweet husband. :) In no particular order...

    1. He married me despite the fact that I am a sinner.
    2. He does his best to provide for the family.
    3. He desires to lead the family (his lot is currently a population of 2).
    4. He loves building relationships with children and adults alike.
    5. He keeps a bat next to the bed as protection from all danger.
    6. He kills spiders for me (without the bat).
    7. He never leaves the toilet seat up.
    8. He opens doors for me.
    9. He carries heavy items for me.
    10. He is not a picky eater (with mushrooms and eggplant as exceptions).
    11. He buys me books (because they last longer than flowers).
    12. He loves me just the way I am despite my being told that my eczema will scare away any suitor and/or friends.
    13. He could have completed the Fun Run within a decent amount of time, but chose to run and walk (and piggyback to beat KevinN + NateS) with me.
    14. He was the only cheering for me from start to finish when I ran a half marathon (although the last 2 miles he was crawling next to me in the car...)
    15. He makes sure that I understand that it is not my living room that I am redecorating but ours.
    16. He inhales his food but sits there until I'm done eating because he remembers that I don't like to eat by myself.
    17. He will not let any argument go unsettled before turning in for the night (cf. Eph 4:26).
    18. His countenance changes even at the thought of shopping, but will take me anyway.
    19. When there is no tissue in sight and I ask for a paper towel on his way back from the bathroom so that I can blow my nose, he'll bring me a napkin saying, "I thought this would be softer for your nose."
    20. He is my best friend.

        I've been woo'd. :)[heart]

        Sunday, November 29, 2009

        Bye Bye Birdie

        It was beautiful! But since I'm a fan of details and the chronological order of things, I'm going to walk you through the entire process.

        Minus 7 Days
        Research, research, research. I'm not kidding when I say that Google was a good friend. My first decision was fresh or frozen.

        Minus 4 Days
        I bought fresh because it was on sale. It sat happy in the fridge until further notice.

        Minus 3 Days
        Eventually, I came across Good Eat's Alton Brown and his brining method. Yeah, brining? Had never heard of this term until after I bought my turkey. Who knew this bird cooking world was so complicated??

        Minus 2 Days
        Being caught up in how to make the turkey taste good, I forgot that I would need some sort of device to cook the bird in. With a mass e-mail sent to WEW, I was able to borrow a roasting pan with rack and a thermometer probe from Tiffo. (Thanks, Tiff!)

        Next, I decided I wasn't going to buy allspice if I was never going to use it again, nor candied ginger (though I did purchase powdered ginger). I bought everything else between Trader Joe's, Safeway, and Berkeley Bowl - except salt. How could the TJ and SW not have kosher salt? The leading grocery stores! Oh, the horror. I even looked in the pantry at church - no kosher salt. So what's a woman to do? This one called KevinNish and got her some kosher salt. (Thanks, Kevin!)

        Then, I made my brine mixture in the largest pot I could find. It was too difficult to hold the bottles of spice, the measuring spoons, and not make a mess I'd have to clean up so I just "eyeballed" everything. I like a clean kitchen. But the ginger started to smell really strong so I added more peppercorn. At this point, Mr. Woo said it was smelling good, so I shrugged off my unwillingness to be precise and kept going.

        Minus 1 day
        Thinking about sticking my hand in the turkey's cavity made me feel yucky so I asked my brave knight Sir Woo to get the neck and giblets out of the freezing cold turkey. That was another funny and new word to me: giblets. I'm glad they packed in nicely in a bag to make the search easier. Next came the actual process of brining. I finally made the decision to not use an oven bag when cooking. It did serve a grand purpose in keeping the bird sitting happy in the brine. It's not a good idea to use a trash bag in preparing food as there are chemicals and other harmful materials that you probably don't want contaminating your hard work. I did line a sturdy box with a plastic bag before I lovingly placed my plucked and oven-bagged friend into it. Problem: the brine was causing the bag to "go flat." I grabbed all the root beer bottles that I had used as decoration in the study room to prop up the liquid so that there would be as much submerging as possible. Back to the fridge it went for 15 hours, flipped (and bottles rearranged) half way.

        Mrs. Woo: Wish us well!
        Mr. Woo: "Us?"
        Mrs. Woo: The turkey and me!
        Mr. Woo: Oh. (looking at the turkey) Hang in there, buddy... tap, tap.


        About three hours before guests were to arrive, I excitedly urged Mr. Woo into the kitchen to take out our friend so that we could rinse he/she off. After being patted dry, I tossed in some coarsely diced onions. That's when I found out that the cavity inside is actually smaller than I thought. Since we don't have a microwave, I heated up my aromatics in a sauce pan for a couple minutes on medium heat before adding it to the onions. Then some sage, rosemary, a couple of cinnamon sticks. We liberally rubbed the turkey with some olive oil, made our "turkey triangle" (a sheet of foil constructed to prevent the breast meat from drying out), freshly ground some peppercorn on top for aesthetics, and spent several minutes trying to tuck in the wings. To keep the smoking to a minimum (and hoping for a non-existant) I added a few cups of water to the bottom of the pan, and into the 500oF oven it went for 30 minutes. Then in went the thermometer probe into the center of the breast meat (thank you, Mr. Woo!), and down to 350oF until "the fat turkey thermometer sings" at 161oF. It rested for about 45 minutes, cooked a little longer while doing so, and turned out beautifully!

        While it was cooking, I had time to make another turkey and appetizer.

        Wait, that's not how it should look. It's supposed to look like this (see if you can spot the difference):

        It was my first time cooking a turkey, and Mr. Woo's first time carving. (While I was YouTubing videos from Good Eats, Mr. Woo was watching people teach how to carve!) He did a fantastic job. (With the first incision juices flowed out - super moist.) Jaffrey did help speed the process, but we were waiting for the potatoes anyway.

        We had 14 happily munching people in our living room. I wish I could have talked more with our guests, but it seemed like my attention was needed elsewhere often.

        Feel free to come over again, and we'll have a more intimate dinner then. Thanks for joining us for our very first Thanksgiving as a married couple! We're glad that you had a place to celebrate and give thanks.:)


        After a quick vacuum, scrub of the floors, brush off the tablecloth, and finish the last dishes, all 3 Woo's headed out to visit my parents. We ate BBQ ribs (which made 3 days in a row) and galbi; I did my Black Friday shopping at 5am; and came back home Saturday afternoon in preparation for Sunday worship. Whew! Exhausted? Yeah. Fun? Yeah. :)

        Tuesday, November 24, 2009

        Mary, Martha, and Turkey

        Boy, I like Google. It's helped this first-time hosting, first Thanksgiving turkey experience go rather well - from the logistical point of view. I had my 5-day plan and grocery list ready to go for this one meal, just like I would my Black Friday plans. Too bad it's become an idol.

        I've gotten so caught up in trying to make the "perfect" turkey that I've pushed aside important responsibilities, especially spending time with the Lord. Rather than cultivating a hospitable heart, I've brewed up a prideful one. Opening up our home wasn't a bad thing, but I lost sight that being hospitable doesn't mean perfect food. It was about my attitude.When I realized this, I thought of Mary and Martha.

        "Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."" -Luke 10:38-42

        While discussing with Mr. Woo today, he pointed out a detail that I had overlooked. Martha, in all her business, got frustrated/mad when asking that Mary help. That's me too! In the heat of an argument, I not-so-secretly got frustrated that Mr. Woo wasn't going to cook anything. Ugh, I'm so wicked. My poor husband...

        BUT with God's overflowing grace and the help of my patient husband, I'm once again sitting at the Lord's feet to listen. Please pray for me in the days to come that I would be reminded to sit and listen, so that when I prepare for Thursday's dinner, I would do so with a humble, hospitable, loving heart. :)

        Monday, November 23, 2009

        Tips on How To Cook A Turkey, from Mrs. Woo's 3rd graders

        We're opening our place to those who aren't able to go home this Thanksgiving. It's quite exciting as it'll be my first time hosting for a holiday. I'm even ambitious enough to cook a turkey for the first time!

        For a variety of educational reasons I give my students an assignment titled How To Cook A Turkey around Thanksgiving time, in which they list the ingredients that they would need and then the directions to cooking the bird. It's fun to read what they come up with, and a very fortunate protocol that most home oven temperatures starts at 325oF. Read on to see why...

        Student #1:
        Heres how to cook a turkey.
        First put the raw turkey in a oven 80oF and watie 5 minutes
        next stuff the turkey.
        third put the turkey on a plate.
        Fainally cut the turkey
        Mmmm you can eat the turkey now.

        Student #2:

        ...Put the time 97oF. Then step away and don't touch the oven or you'll get burned!... 
        Point taken - Set the correct temperature so that the FDA does not come knocking on our door.

        Student #3: 
        How to cook a juicy turckey. First you get a turckey. Next you make some sauce. Then put in sugar in the sauce and pore it on the turkey. Next you put on flour. Then you put it in the oven for 10oC and cook it for 2 and a half hours. While it's still cooking you get a platter and put lettus on the platter to make it look pretty. Then you get the tukey on the patter, but be careful. Last, but not least, put on a little bit of pepper on the tukey. Thats how you make a juicy turkey.  

        Student #4: 
        ...Sixth put baisil on the plater around The turkey. Seventh put the rosemary on top of the turkey...

        Point taken - Make it pretty and fragrant.

        Student #5:
        It is time to cook a turkey! First put ketcup and salt on the turkey. Then put peper and onion. Next put the turkey in the oven and time it to 369oF 2 hours. Finaly, get A cup of water. Have fun making more turkeys.

        Student #6:

        It is fun to make a turkey. First you put flour on the turky. Next you put powder. Then you put cream. Next you put ketchup. Then you put soy sause. Next you put it in the oven. You need to put it in the oven for 30 mins. Then you put some vechtables on the top of the turky. Next you eat it!

        Student #7:

        firs get a Pot! Next get boiling water. (!30)(mins) Then put the turkey in! finally cut it with a knife! last but not least set the table! HAVE FUN!

        Point taken - It'll be fun. (But I am
        not making more than one!) 

        Student #8:
        It is easy to cook a turkey. First, set the temperature of the oven to 363oF and then stuff the turkey with the mashed potatoes and put it in the oven and set the timer for 6 hours. Next, wait until it's done. Then, spread extra virgin olive oil on it. After that, spread the alfredo sauce on the bread. Next, put the bread around the turkey. Then, put the gravy on the remaining mashed potatoes. Finally, eat it. If you put all your effort into cooking it then it will taste very good.

        Student #9:

        It is easy to make a turkey. First I get one turkey and cut of its head and pluck its feathers on hot. Next, I put it in the oven over 5 minutes and put them on for 2 minutes on medium. Then I get salad, and mushrooms. Then, I get a tasty drink of lemonade which is cool. Next, I get some plates, forks, knives, and caps. Finally, I have a wonderful time with friends.

        Point taken - It'll be gross, wonderful, and easy. Note to self: "put all [my] effort into cooking it."

        Psh, well I guess I have nothing to worry about. This is a road never personally traveled, so it's a big adventure for me. I'll keep you posted on what happens on Thursday.

        What's the best tip you've received in cooking for the holidays?

        Friday, November 20, 2009

        It's raining, it's pouring...

        Courtesy of my students + Rainy day (indoors) recess:

        Oh, and insert 'haHAhahaHaHaAHahah' after each one...

        What did the leopard say after it ate its owner? 
        That hit the spot

        What did the pig say when the farmer picked him up by the tail? 
        That's the end of me.

        What animal should you not take tests with?
        A Cheetah

        Seagulls are called seagulls because they fly over the sea. If they flew over the bay what would they be called? 

        What kind of side dies every second? 

        Student #1: Why did the chicken cross the road?
        Student #2: Oh, I know! The rooster was on vacation.
        Student #3: ...No, the duck was on vacation.

        I need air, but I'm allergic to water. What am I? 

        There were 3 men on a boat. They were trying to catch a fish. A police boat saw them and crahsed into their boat. Two men got their hair wet; one did not. Why? 
        He was bald.  (Initially, I needed clarification that it was three men and not people one because I thought one might have been a woman.)

        Student: Mrs. Woo! How do you spell my last name? :D
        Mrs. Woo: Your last name?
        Student nods
        Mrs. Woo: Y-o-u-r, space, l-a-s-t, space, n-a-m-e
         I've been through the 3rd grade, kiddos...

        What was/is your favorite elementary school joke? :)

        Wednesday, November 18, 2009

        Whistle While You Work

        I don't know about you, but I had a rough day at work today. Well, I suppose it wasn't so bad compared to last Friday when a teacher came up to me to ask if so-and-so, who did something terribly wrong, was in my class... at each recess... all different teachers. On top of that we had Girl A in my class tell Girl B's sister to steal something from her Girl B's backpack to give to Girl A so that she can give it to Girl C in the other 3rd grade class to give to Girl D, also in the other class, so that when Girl B asks Girl A if she took it she can say, "No, Girl D stole it." Smart, but so wicked. (You can download the image as a wallpaper here)

        Yeah, today I just had a lengthy list of names on the board and sent 2 students out of the classroom to "talk all [they] want out there." And Mr. Woo brought me a heaping plate of lunch. :) Even one of my students commented, "Mr. Woo must really love you to bring you that much food!"

        But for those of you who work in an office and don't get enough spice at work (not all of us get to have Nurf Wars), I stumbled across some tips to make work more "fun." I don't endorse all of the following, but let me know how it goes if you try any out!

        1) Run one lap around the office at top speed.
        2) Ignore the first five people who say "good morning" to you.
        3) Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say, "Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye."
        4) To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.
        5) Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say, "Sorry, I really prefer it this way."
        6) Walk sideways to the photocopier.
        7) While riding in an elevator, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.
        1) Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with double-barreled fingers.
        2) Babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask, "Did you get all that, I don't want to have to repeat it."
        3) Page yourself over the intercom. (Do not disguise your voice).
        4) Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle (there must be a 'non-player' within sight).
        5) Shout random numbers while someone is counting.

        1) At the end of a meeting, suggest that, for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem (5 extra points if you actually launch into it yourself).
        2) Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch on/off 10 times.
        3) For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as "Bob."
        4) Announce to everyone in a meeting that you "really have to go do a number two."
        5) After every sentence, say 'Mon' in a really bad Jamaican accent. As in "The report's on your desk, Mon." Keep this up for 1 hour.
        6) While an office mate is out, move their chair into the elevator.
        7) In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, all of you just shut up!"
        8) At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce, "As God as my witness, I'll never go hungry again."
        9) In a colleague's DAY PLANNER, write in the 10am slot: "See how I look in tights." (5 Extra points if it is a male, 5 more if he is your boss.)
        10) Carry your keyboard over to your colleague and ask, "You wanna trade?"
        11) Repeat the following conversation 10 times to the same person: "Do you hear that?" "What?" "Never mind, it's gone now."
        12) Come to work in army fatigues and when asked why, say, "I can't talk about it."
        13) Posing as a maitre d', call a colleague and tell him he's won a lunch for four at a local restaurant. Let him go.
        14) Speak with an accent (French, German, Porky Pig, etc.) during a very important conference call.
        15) Find the vacuum and start vacuuming around your desk.
        16) Hang a two-foot long piece of toilet roll from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised when someone points it out.
        17) Present meeting attendees with a cup of coffee and biscuits, smashing each biscuit with your fist.
        18) During the course of a meeting, slowly edge your chair towards the door.
        19) Arrange toy figures on the table to represent each meeting attendee, move them according to the movements of their real-life counterparts.

        A Dozen More Ways to Shake Things Up
        1) At lunchtime, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
        2) Tell your children over dinner, "Due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go."
        3) Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.
        4) Put your waste basket on your desk and label it "IN".
        5) Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over his or her caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
        6) Finish all your sentences with "In accordance with the prophecy."
        7) Don't use any punctuation
        8) Use, too...much; punctuation!
        9) As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
        10) Ask people what sex they are. Laugh hysterically after they answer.
        11) Put mosquito netting around your work area. Play a tape of jungle sounds all day.
        12) Have your co-workers address you by your wrestling name, "Rock Hard."

        You're going to sound/look so crazy...

        Tuesday, November 17, 2009

        4Bucks' Love Project

        Starbucks (aka 4Bucks because that's how much it costs for coffee) is currently holding a Love Project. If you make a $15 purchase, you will be gifted with the Starbucks Red Love CD featuring groups like Dave Matthews, U2, and more.  For each CD, $1 will be donated to help fight AIDS in Africa.

        I moseyed on over to the gallery and got lured into making/drawing a picture myself (those sketching sound effects worked, Starbucks!). It was nice to draw a few hearts and write LOVE nice and pretty, but that's not how I view love. So I drew a cross and added the words patient and kind, but that's about all I could fit. I knew this wouldn't make sense to an unbeliever so I added 1 Cor. 13:4-7. Of course it didn't fit underneath my pretty swirls so I had to break it up. I wish I could show you this meaningful design but 4Bucks ripped me off again! They didn't save it! :(

        After hearing the pen-on-paper sound effects some more, I created another drawing. This time I saved it myself. Good thing too, because the submit button got "stuck." Being computer illiterate, I didn't know what was wrong and called it a day. Here's my Mona Lisa:

        Up close:

        What is your interpretation of it? :)

        Monday, November 16, 2009

        Join the Woo's in giving thanks!

        Just in case you didn't receive it, Mr. Woo sent out an e-mail to EBCBmail inviting y'all to join us for Thanksgiving if you will not be going home for the holidays. Here's what it said...

        Hi family,

        If you're not going home for this Thanksgiving, my wife and I are opening up our place to the church and would be delighted to have YOU over for dinner.  Here's the information:

        Who:   You
        What:  Thanksgiving Dinner
        Where: The Woo's Residence - Transportation will be arranged later
        When:  November 26th (time still to be determined)
        Why:    To celebrate and thank the Lord for His faithfulness, to partake in an encouraging time of fellowship, to enjoy the rich blessing of delicious food in abundance, to have some relaxing fun with our brothers and sisters, and other stuff

        This dinner will be potluck style, so start thinking about what you can bring to share with others.  Off the top of my head, it'd be nice to have a turkey (or two) with gravy + cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, candied yams, bad-for-your-health-but-so-tasty-in-your-mouth stuffing, refreshing apple cider, biscuits and rolls, hearty ribs, and many other things (I guess a vegetable would be healthy).  [Mrs. Woo] will coordinate this later so don't concern yourself with the specifics of food just yet.

        In the meantime, please shoot [Mrs. Woo] an email if you're interested in joining us for the evening.  Her email address is ________ (I wonder if we'll ever get that changed).  Feel free to invite others if they're going to be in the area and please RSVP by Nov 21st (next Saturday).

        P.S. Feel free to contact Hong and Tami, Daniel and Cassie, or JonTsai as well.  Their places are also open.

        Two minutes later, a Gchat window opens up. It's Becca, saying:
        your husband's email is funny
        it's so clear that he got pretty excited about eating as he started listing the foods
        they get more and more detailed

        It's like she was in the other room when Mr. Woo said those exact words! He had just told me the same thing except he added that he was drooling.

        Oh, Mr. Woo - how food brings thou much happiness...

        Sometimes, you're enjoying it so much that you like you're in pain. Oh the joy! :)

        What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?

        Friday, November 13, 2009

        Ice Breaker Contest Results

        They asked for votes, we asked for your votes, and the results are in.

        Mr. Woo's entry was one of the winners! WOOHOO! :)

        Here's the e-mail that he forwarded to me:

        Congratulations! The votes from our Ice Breaker Contest have now been tallied and you're one of the lucky winners!

        Dear Member:
        We really appreciate your involvement in this contest. What a blessing to receive so many responses, and to see the interest in voting. Our goal was to create some excitement over the act of giving away Gospels of John and your entry helped accomplish that. People liked yours enough that it placed in the top 3 of category votes!

        We'll be posting a web page shortly with all the details so you can see how your entry compared to others. But we wanted to let you know right now that you're one of the winners, with no further delay. We'll also be sending out a broadcast message to our members next week with additional information and listing the first names of the winners and their hometowns.

        I'd like to know if your involvement in this contest helped to encourage you to share more boldly or more effectively. Just reply back to me with any thoughts you might have. I'd like to include some of these responses in our message to members, so please understand that these responses might be used in our member communication.

        Also, we need to know what version you prefer for your Bible. You can choose from NIV, KJV or ESV. Just reply with your choice and provide a physical address for us to send to, and your phone number (in case you don't have one on file or it's out of date).

        May God bless your sharing efforts, and thanks again for being involved.

        "For I know your eagerness to help...
        and your enthusiasm has stirred most of them to action."
        - 2 Corinthians 9:2

        The e-mail even came with an attachment to make it seem official:


        You are receiving this e-mail because you have voted in the Ice Breaker Contest!

        Mr. Woo has chosen to receive a copy of the ESV Bible. As a token of appreciation to the participants, we would like to present to you your very own buttery new copy of the ESV Bible filled with weighty content. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your prize. The holiday season is quite the busy one for this newlywed couple.

        Thank you.

        Thursday, November 5, 2009

        Won by a tad

        In honor of Tadamus' birthday, I find it a very appropriate time to announce our winner of Poker Night #5!

        Remember the contest I was going to hold? Here was the challenge: Crack open 3 pistachios that barely have a sliver of an opening. It all happened so fast that all I got was a picture of the end result:

        Thanks to Tad, I could finally(!) eat those long-awaited 3 pistachios. Now, you might think I had an ulterior motive to the challenge, but I like to think of it as a win-win situation.

        Here's what our friend won:

        After a cornbread chili casserole, we started the game. (Note to self: Maybe we'll save the ultra lean meat for burgers instead of the chili...)

        And again, Tad won. Here's his second prize, the wrapping courtesy of Mr. Woo:

        Wait for it...

        Wait for it...
        Still waiting for it...
         "What is this???" (insert Mr. Woo's hysterical laughter)

        Maybe it's the fact that our dear brother had played pranks on others in college, but it's just so funny to pull one on him. Too bad secretly putting bugs in his food is not going to phase him... Go ahead, ask him why not. :P

        Moving on, here's his real prize:


        Check out that dimple. It's a crater because he's so happy!

        Okay, the night was not all about Tad, and I'm done embarrassing him. Let's introduce the other contestants who get an 'A' for effort. (Who made up that line because it's Effort, not Affort. Wait a minute... Is it "You get an 'A' for trying so hard" and not a trying-to-be-clever saying???)

        Community turkey leg, community sunglasses - same difference. Come to think of it, JRitzi - why dost thou not join the passing of the shades?

        So there it is folks. Another player in the Hall of Fame. Oh, and to keep y'all informed, there is talk about extending one more player into the Championship game.

        The Woo Society's Hall of Fame:

        1. Mrs. Woo
        2. (J)onny/Mrs. Woo
        3. Freddy
        4. Mr. Woo
        5. Tadamus
        6. ???

        (7. ???)
        Champion: ???

        Until next time,