Exactly one year ago, we found out that we had a little one joining the family. Today we're loving our Precious Cargo sent "priority mail." Selah's four months old and quite the happy wee addition. I received some lavish gifts in small packages this year, but the petite one that smiles, squeals, and blows raspberries at me is my all-time favorite. You just can't put a price on the moments she reaches for your finger or grins at you from across the room. Looking at this little human being discovering the world around her, I'm full of wonder and amazement myself.
I can't even imagine what Mary must have felt holding Baby Jesus. What was going through her mind as He lay in the manger? When I was in labor I didn't even have my eyes open for the first half of my grueling labor. Maybe it's different when you know that you're bringing the Savior into fully man form? But surely she must have been rejoicing and praising God for the historic and crucial day. Hubby recently reminded me that Christ's birth was necessary not only to pay the penalty for sin (substitutionary atonement), not only to fulfill prophecy, but also because God can't die. Christ, being fully man and fully God, came to earth to be the ultimate sacrifice (for our sins no less) and conquered death... Words don't seem to give that truth adequate justice. Selah might be my favorite Christmas gift but my Lord Jesus Christ has to be the best gift ever. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Christmas Wishlist 2011
It's that time of year again to drop (obvious) hints to my Near and Dear (that's you, Hubby). This year I've just thrown some things onto the list, but it's only to get him thinking, not necessarily things I must have. Last year he knocked off multiple items off the list(!) - although I didn't get one of them until months later because he hid it in behind a co-workers whiteboard so that I wouldn't find it. Too bad he had forgotten about it... But I mustn't forget that I did receive an early gift that dragged swept me by surprise. We'll see what this year brings. We even bought stockings for each family member despite having no place to hang them!
Ugg Mini Kimono in grey (size 6), (6pm.com, $89)Why I like it (1) My current and only Uggs are reaching the end of their life.(2) They keep my feet warm in the winter.(3) They are one of the few closed toe shoes that I'll wear.
Calphalon Nonstick Pots and Pans (Macy's/Williams-Sonoma, varies)
West Elm Charity Mug, ASPCA (westelm.com, $10)
I'm noticing quite the difference between this year's list to the one from last year. I need to get a bigger Christmas stocking.
What's big on your Christmas wishlist this year?
Louis Vuitton Stephen Sprouse Leopard Scarf (brown), (2008 LE, $1350)
Why I like it
(1) I suppose it doesn't have to be this particular one, but it's cute and warm.
(2) It's a versatile piece.
(3) It's purrrty (puahaha).
Item #2
Item #2

Why I like it
(1) My stash has been fairly abused with metal utensils and high temperatures by others in the kitchen.
(2) Cleaning nonstick is non-stressful.
(3) It's an investment that allows me to serve my family daily.
Item #3

Why I like it
(1) Husband won't buy me a real French Bulldog.
(2) Mugs are practical.
(3) It's for a good cause.
Item #4
Item #4
Western Digital External Hard Drive 3TB Passport, (staples.com, $150)
Why I like it
(1) I take hundreds of pictures each week.
(2) My computer is slowing down.
(3) In case of a fire, I can only grab two things, Selah with my left arm and this in my right.
Item #5
Item #5
A 3br 2ba House, (Bay Area, $400-600k)
Why I like it
(1) I would like our own washer/dryer for the several loads of laundry each week.
(2) White walls are getting boring.
(3) Selah needs crawling space, and it's a long term investment? What's big on your Christmas wishlist this year?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Black Friday fluffy mail
I got what's called "fluffy mail" in the cloth diapering world. Yay! (Snail mail really is the best.) All of my orders are from the four online shops that I prefer and reviewed earlier, plus one from Etsy.
These CDing moms, and dads, went crazy. I suppose I'm not one to say though because I was among the mob that was refreshing several times while counting down the minutes until midnight in each timezone. Some items were gone within minutes, and by the time I placed my first order I was #59 in line. Those are some nimble fingers they've got because I even had my cart ready to go before the cyber madness started!
The fantastic news is that all my packages from my multiple orders have safely arrived, and I can't wait to get them on my baby's tush. Cloth diapers have come such a long way, and are far from the pins and cloth squares that most people think of. We've been mainly using Flip with soft organic inserts, which I'm happy with, but I'm in search of a nighttime diaper that: (1) won't leak, (2) is soft on her bum, and (3) fairly trim.
Here are my new additions:
Yup, Mr. Woo's first reaction was, "How much did you spend???" even though I told him the morning of Black Friday and gave an update after Cyber Monday. I guess seeing is believing. His look must have been something like this:
I knew there'd be a big price tag initially, the upfront cost, but not having to spend $20-30 on a box of disposables that would only last for a couple weeks is wonderful. (You can find sites that have calculators to tell you how much you'll save in the long haul by switching over!) What's greater is that I had the freedom to choose which fibers I wanted (natural, natural, natural) and which type I wanted (all-in-two for daytime, trying pockets for nighttime). Plus, Mr. Woo prefers the all-in-ones because they're so similar to disposables that there's not much of a learning curve there.
The other items I invested in are: wetbags (no leaks nor odors), more detergent to leave at Grandma's, BabySoy onesie, and books on cloth diapering to give as gifts. And in my defense, some of those items above were free: several more diapers, detergent, babylegs, wetbag, and CJ's butter samples. Woo to the hoo!
I'll be trying out one or two of each new diaper system. That way if I don't like it, I can sell them. There's quite a good return on the popular brands, and with the price that I purchased them at, I'm fairly confident that I could possibly make money on them if not break even. If it's not a nice snug fit, I can always try them when she's bigger too. I'm going to have to keep my favorite colors and prints though, whether Selah wears them or not. There's always #2, right? (I sound like a true addict.)
These CDing moms, and dads, went crazy. I suppose I'm not one to say though because I was among the mob that was refreshing several times while counting down the minutes until midnight in each timezone. Some items were gone within minutes, and by the time I placed my first order I was #59 in line. Those are some nimble fingers they've got because I even had my cart ready to go before the cyber madness started!
The fantastic news is that all my packages from my multiple orders have safely arrived, and I can't wait to get them on my baby's tush. Cloth diapers have come such a long way, and are far from the pins and cloth squares that most people think of. We've been mainly using Flip with soft organic inserts, which I'm happy with, but I'm in search of a nighttime diaper that: (1) won't leak, (2) is soft on her bum, and (3) fairly trim.
Here are my new additions:
Yup, Mr. Woo's first reaction was, "How much did you spend???" even though I told him the morning of Black Friday and gave an update after Cyber Monday. I guess seeing is believing. His look must have been something like this:
I knew there'd be a big price tag initially, the upfront cost, but not having to spend $20-30 on a box of disposables that would only last for a couple weeks is wonderful. (You can find sites that have calculators to tell you how much you'll save in the long haul by switching over!) What's greater is that I had the freedom to choose which fibers I wanted (natural, natural, natural) and which type I wanted (all-in-two for daytime, trying pockets for nighttime). Plus, Mr. Woo prefers the all-in-ones because they're so similar to disposables that there's not much of a learning curve there.
The other items I invested in are: wetbags (no leaks nor odors), more detergent to leave at Grandma's, BabySoy onesie, and books on cloth diapering to give as gifts. And in my defense, some of those items above were free: several more diapers, detergent, babylegs, wetbag, and CJ's butter samples. Woo to the hoo!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Tree's the season to be
Selah's still somewhat of a newborn, but I already want her to be part of making memories with us (she'll have to re-member with photos later). I thought it'd be sad to put her presents under our tiny tree from last year, so we upgraded. Don't get me wrong; I wasn't about to go chop down a real pine from the woods for our baby who wouldn't know the difference. We ventured to good 'ol Target who recently had a great promotion in stores - $10 gift card for any purchase over $50. Plus, the Christmas trees were on sale. Yay for deals!

It took us a week before we carved some time, but it's up now. There's a slight Charlie Brown feel to the tree, but it's Selah-sized (just like her fall pumpkin was). She likes the lights. I like that the presents are no longer bigger than our tree.
Oh, and I'm thinking about making it a Casa Woo tradition to not put a traditional star atop our trees. Last year's served us well in more ways than one, but this year's takes the cake. Our star:
I also like the glimmering and can now I can admire the pretty lights from within my own home instead of stealing glances as we walk past our neighbor's window. Once their window was open while I verbally gushed at their nice tree. Yeah, she looked out at me. Whoops.
Oh, and I'm thinking about making it a Casa Woo tradition to not put a traditional star atop our trees. Last year's served us well in more ways than one, but this year's takes the cake. Our star:
I also like the glimmering and can now I can admire the pretty lights from within my own home instead of stealing glances as we walk past our neighbor's window. Once their window was open while I verbally gushed at their nice tree. Yeah, she looked out at me. Whoops.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
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