Monday, October 31, 2011

Mary had a Little Lamb

Following our family outing at the pumpkin patch, our Selah Bear gussied up for Hallelujah Night as a...

Little Lamb.

Let's review one of the well-known children's songs, shall we?

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.
Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow.
I wouldn't say her costume's fleece was that bright of a white, but it was furry and close to white.

Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went,
Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
My Little Lamb definitely goes wherever I go. That's probably because I'm her milk supply.

It followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day.
It followed her to school one day which was against the rules.
I am actually planning a trip to visit my previous students and co-workers - which is not against the rules. I just need a visitor sticker).

It made the children laugh and play, laugh and play, laugh and play,
It made the children laugh and play to see a lamb at school.
My students saw my belly grow from the beginning (and saw it the most too), so it'll be neat to have them meet her.

And so the teacher turned it out, turned it out, turned it out,
And so the teacher turned it out, but still it lingered near.
I'm shooting for a lunch time or afternoon recess visit.

And waited patiently about, patiently about, patiently about,
And waited patiently about til Mary did appear.
I don't know about Selah being patient yet, but that's due to her still being so young.

"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" Mary so? Mary so?
"Why does the lamb love Mary so?" the eager children cry.
We humans tend to follow the food, no? Where there is food, there the crowd is also.

"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know." Loves the lamb, you know. Loves the lamb, you know.
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know," the teacher did reply.
I LOVE my Selah Bella!

And at Hallelujah Night (Halloween alternative), she sang praise songs and listened to Daddy preach a mini sermon.

She also went to some of the activities:

took pictures in the photo boo(th):

and then konked out to suppress her hunger (Mommy ate Kit Kats on her behalf - though technically she got a taste of it via milk):

So Selah was a little lamb, Mr. Woo turned down the role of the Wolf, and I was Mary - not Bo Peep. She lost her sheep.

Friday, October 28, 2011

My little pumpkin

I used to look at moms who would ask their infant questions like, "Which dress do you want to wear today, pink or purple?" and think, 'Why are they asking if the baby can't even respond? That's so silly.' But I've become that mom. I want Selah involved in everything!

So even though she barely has any depth perception, I insisted that we take her to the pumpkin patch. Luckily, we stumbled across a mini patch that was just the right size for our wee one. And of course I was asking her, "Which pumpkin do you want Selah Bella?" in between, "Oh, Pooki! Let's take a picture next to the scarecrow!" and, "Look at Daddy! Look at Daddy! Look at Daddy!

I'm so glad I didn't have to take her in front of Trader Joe's make shift pumpkin patch for her (going to be) annual pumpkin pictures. I might have gotten some funny looks...

We decided to save the petting zoo section for when she can chase the animals around, or at least stand next to them. Or maybe it's because we're pinching our pennies and didn't want to pay for it.

There's my little pumpkin!
I've been wanting to make pumpkin bread since last year, but got caught up with a different kind of bun in the oven so it never happened. I would have roasted the seeds with a sprinkling of salt too. And when we're going to carve pumpkins I have no idea, but I've got some pumpkin decor ideas saved for whichever year I commit to being crafty no matter the circumstances.

In the end, this is the pumpkin that Selah chose Daddy chose for our Selah. It's cute, little, and round - just like her!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Still on the Missoni bandwagon

The first time Selah strolled in her snazzy stroller was also her first trip to Target, where the last pairs of two Missoni shoes "somehow" ended up in our cart. They happened to fit my feet so I kept them (great Cinderella story, right?). But I wanted to see if there was anything to my liking for our Little Bear. I poked around the Target website, after the online mess was cleaned up, and ordered a couple items for her with a coupon (yay!) to bring the total down a few beans.

Then on the next week's Target trip (it's amazing how fast we've been going through diapers), Mama Bear spotted a lone beautiful velvet rose print coat in a toddler size, misplaced and hanging amidst some onesies in the children's section.

Mr. Woo: You don't need any more clothes!
Mrs. Woo: It's not for me! It's for Selah!
Mr. Woo: She can't fit into that.
Mrs. Woo: Not yet~

Yes, I am the one who: (a) fits into children's clothing, (b) buys clothes that her child can grow into later, (c) bought another Missoni item.

Just to see what was happening on E(vil)bay, I took a peek. After all, these people were adding tens of each item into their cart on this Black Friday-esque morning and selling for massive profit, from what I read. End result: I managed to score the coat for Selah Bella for less than retail price. Take that, E(vil)bay!

And with that, I am now stepping off of the Missoni bandwagon (unless you or I spot one of those espresso sets).

Did you buy anything from the Missoni for Target collection?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Whale of a time

Selah had sponge baths for quite some time, but she has recently made friends with her whale bath tub.

This one came with an orange fish toy, too. (The pink towel is also a fish. It's supposed to keep the baby warmer when you pour water on her.)

Surprisingly, she not only stayed calm, but seemed to actually enjoy it.

This discovery made Mr. Woo very happy since he was a swimmer and in water polo in his more fit days. He wants to take her to the beach and pool already. Lucky him, I've had a cute swimsuit bought and ready for her ...for next year. I know she was swimming in fluids for nine months, but she also had an umbilical cord preventing her from drowning. No swimming for my baby unless it's less than three inches deep (her bath tub) or in amniotic fluid (my uterus), thank you. Appeals to be considered six months from this date.

Selah Baby, you can thank Mommy later.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A letter to Papa Bear

Good morning, Papa Bear!

I'm sorry I cried so much last night. I was just uncomfortable and needed some assistance. But you seemed to sleep through it okay, so I hope you're not too tired today.

Mama Bear says you "bring home the bacon." I don't know what that means quite yet, but she says it enables her to stay home and take care of me. We have lots of fun together! Even when I give her a lot of poopy diapers, she praises me with, "Good job, Selah Bella!" or "What a good girl!" Sometimes I smile back, and sometimes I stare at the pink flower on my changing table. I don't even get in trouble for spitting up on her! Maybe she's getting me back with Tummy Time...

This is my friend Olivia. I met her last week. She makes funny noises and even carries around a mirror. Some say that's vain, but I don't have an opinion on that because I'm not too fascinated by the shiny object yet.

Daddy, I miss you when you're at work. When Mommy puts you on speaker phone, I recognize your voice but I can't see you. I'm so glad you can come home earlier than most other daddies. What should we do when you come home today? I'll start off by telling you about my day, as we usually do, and then let's do something fun! You might have to change my diaper first though.

Thank you for being a wonderful daddy. Mommy and I think you're swell. :)

Little Bear aka Selah Bella

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Selah's nursery under construction

Our Baby Bear is now over a month old, but instead of finishing up her room, it looks like I've got more work cut out for me. You see, Mr. Woo usually gives me great artistic freedom in the home. I did what I could under the conditions of my work schedule, rental rules, etc. before giving birth, but there are a few issues that came up.

The main thing was safety regarding the space above her crib. I had a frame and mirror hanging there, but now I'm finding a new place for them, somewhere I can turn and still easily view the state of my gassy or milk drunk baby.

The glider and ottoman set has also since relocated to our bedroom because the Little Lady spent most of her time there when she came home. A different chair has been holding its place for nighttime feedings. A burp cloth, bottled water, and chap stick are now sitting on the tray placed atop the robin's egg ottoman.

Even the contents of her dresser have gone through some change. We've added a few items and even taken some out, now that we know what we like (side snaps and soy/organic) and dislike (small opening for head and buttons on the back). We received a lot of 0-3 month clothing as gifts so I took the liberty of returning some and exchanging others for bigger sizes for down the road. I considered changing the hardware on her dresser and matching changing table, but I think I like that the modern gray pulls matches the duvet.

Her changing table might be the only area that hasn't needed much alteration. I like its clean lines and the simplicity in decor details opposed to oozing baby. We have a bunny, a pig, and an owl on one side and a family of bears on the other. (Notice the tulip detail to mirror her bedding!) I look forward to when she'll be able to hold those books up instead of squirming. From what I hear, though, we'll be converting it back into its original intent as a desk before we know it.

Here's her view. She likes to look at the pink flower.

I still have a couple crafts that I plan to add to my little girl's room, including a handmade mobile, so maybe rearranging pieces isn't such a terrible thing. Until I'm able to go out and purchase the supplies, I'll stick to the necessities like diaper changes and baths and worry about beautifying later. Or perhaps I can first tackle the mound of her fresh laundry that we throw onto the bed. (It's actually nice to spread it all out in one place but definitely a sight for sore eyes.)

What's something you had (or wished you had) in your room growing up that you still remember today?