I'm sorry I cried so much last night. I was just uncomfortable and needed some assistance. But you seemed to sleep through it okay, so I hope you're not too tired today.
Mama Bear says you "bring home the bacon." I don't know what that means quite yet, but she says it enables her to stay home and take care of me. We have lots of fun together! Even when I give her a lot of poopy diapers, she praises me with, "Good job, Selah Bella!" or "What a good girl!" Sometimes I smile back, and sometimes I stare at the pink flower on my changing table. I don't even get in trouble for spitting up on her! Maybe she's getting me back with Tummy Time...
Thank you for being a wonderful daddy. Mommy and I think you're swell. :)
Little Bear aka Selah Bella
"Mama Bear says you "bring home the bacon." I don't know what that means quite yet"
Selah, one day you will appreciate the joy that is bacon.
Love the post :)
I'm tearing up. Thank youuuuu! Love you two =)
I'm loving it...
Love it, love it, love it!!
wow, does nobody here have real names?
i love pictures of her!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wow. This letter is now my favorite piece of text. I love how much understanding and care is in it.
I'm right there with you Chris =). Which Chris are you btw? haha
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