Friday, July 2, 2010

18-mos and counting

By golly, it's been a whole year and a half already! Time is put into perspective when I see some of our little tykes, who were born around the time that we married, running around the church now. That's kind of like our relationship, I suppose. We've learned to crawl and walk and now we're learning to run with all the changes thrown our way.

So how did we celebrate?
  • I started off with Starbucks and completed my last day in my summer school commitment; Mr. Woo graciously chauffeuring me.
  • For dinner, we went casually to La PiƱata, using a gift card Mr. Woo received the last week of school (they must know how much he likes eating).
  • We redefined "You can't have your cake and eat it too" by forgetting to eat our cake. This happened for our one-year too, leaving half of it still in the freezer... Phooey. (The other half was eaten on our one-month.) 
  • Then, we revisted the lake(?) where we took our engagement pictures back in 2008. Ah, the memories of the bridge, the autumn leaves, the duckies...
  • And we concluded the evening with some lovely talk of how Mr. Woo bearing one hour of shopping should (somehow) equal one hour of us watching anime together. o_O

♡  ♡  ♡

    Confession of a wife: Being married for a year and a half now (and, Lord willing, many more years to come!) there are times when I look over at him and have no idea what the man is thinking:
    But I'm learning (slower than I'd like) to embrace this new role and to just joyfully submit to his leading:


    dan tsai said...

    those pictures are great because Cyrus the duck is just like cyrus the man: eating.

    Nate Chang said...

    lol, nice parallels with the ducks

    Unknown said...
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    Unknown said...

    wait... it looks like the female mallard had her tail up first and the male mallard followed... o_O

    NoLie said...

    i seriously cracked up... best / funniest illustration ever...

    Mr. Woo said...

    I'm right with you Nolan... that illustration keeps cracking me up haha

    Mr. Woo said...

    Thanks Dan!

    Hannah said...

    HAHAHAHA really enjoyed the pictures with the lesson learned. :) a humorous spin on a good hearty truth. congrats!! and eat that cake yo~ i remember taking that layer off for you guys at the wedding... EAT IT ALREADY!