Phase I - Summer School
Think: Kids, Breakfast, Two weeks of math/reading.
Phase II - 18-Month Anniversary
Think: Food (of course), Ducks, No couple picture! O_O
Phase III - 17-Mile Drive
Think: Cameras galore, Beautiful Scenery, Family
Phase IV - Alameda County Fair
Think: Homegroup, Entertainment, Food
Phase V - Monterey
Think: Bibs, Sea creatures, Monterey Bay Inn
Phase VI - SF Academy of Sciences (failed)
Think: 3.5-hr-wait Too long, Hot dog + Pretzel, Go home
Phase VII - Post-Wedding Chop
Think: Short, Donated, Happy
Phase VIII - Regeneration Camp (him) / Stay with Parents (her)
Think: Solid preaching, Sitting next to J.Mac + eating his chips, Lecrae
Phase IX - Host Dinner / Party
Think: Crazy, Food, Fun
Phase X - Watch "The Music Man" (musical)
Think: Woodminster, J.Hong + Student's family, Unflattering pictures

Mrs. Woo off to pick her first-day outfit, brush up on some teacher tips, and shower!
What was the highlight of your summer?
highlights of my summer:
- italy!
- weddings!
- getting a job!
...and of course the bananagrams and banana split party are a close honorable mention ;)
my summer:
- being sick for about a month of it
- freezing cold weather
- another year, another stressful apartment move
... oh, HIGHLIGHTS...
- big sur (cold weather notwithstanding)
- Andrew's engagement
- weddings
- first (and hopefully not last) triathlon
- New Zealand
good times..
cyrus looks pregnant in the last picture. he needs to go do triathlons with us too.
weddings/seeing old friends :)
and i guess working, since i'm less of a free loader. haha
and WHY was the wait for CAS 3.5 hrs? that's DEF. not worth the wait.
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