Let me explain... The words captivated Mr. Woo - "win a beautiful Bible!" (and who doesn't want one??) So he entered the Ice Breaker Contest. Lo and behold, his 3 entries in various categories made it to the Top 10. We understand that someone else might have entered the same line, but Mr. Woo sent in his entry 3 minutes into the game, so we're hopeful.
Now I'll let them explain...
You're invited to vote!
The Ice Breaker contest was designed to help members learn creative new ways to share using the Gospel of John. League staff sorted through the nearly 500 entries and selected the 10 best ice breakers in each of 4 categories. Now it's your turn to vote for your favorites! The top 3 in each category will win a beautiful Bible in their choice of ESV, NIV or KJV translation.
Vote as often as you like. Voting closes at midnight November 5, 2009. We'll announce the winners after we've tabulated the results. Vote using our online ballot form here.
Vote for your favorite Ice Breaker now!
Vote for "Can I share with you the best news you will ever hear?" Yes, he sent this line in for 3 out of the 4 categories. Laugh if you will (as I also did), but it was chosen among all the submissions - every time.
In return, I'm asking that Mr. Woo post something encouraging for all of us with this new, "beautiful Bible" should we win in one of the categories. (Mr. Woo, is this alright with you? I could just ask you since you're on your computer right next to me, but then it would ruin the element of surprise...) I believe he would liked the ESV. All voters who leave a comment that they have voted will receive a complimentary "gift." Look for an e-mail early/mid-November! :)
This all reminds me of Mr. Woo's very first time preaching! It happened to be at one of the middle school Chapels (and I felt like a "Soccer Mom" trying to snap pictures from various angles, on top of chairs and on the floor, after I sent my kids out to Recess).
Here it is - Mr. Woo preaching his sermon titled Dying To Live:

some of these lines are pretty bad... id be embarrassed to say them. They're like cheesy pickup lines, except.. for the gospel.
i voted :) Cyrus' line really was among the best... for some of the categories I couldn't even pick 5 lines to vote for.. so I left some blank.
I voted too! I actually didn't read through them all (a lot of the ones I did read were ones I didn't like all that much). Hope he wins that bible!
yay I voted! LOL it IS really funny seeing cyrus's line 3 times in a row. And i have to agree with Dan... some of them are straight up cheesy, but it's cool that people are willing to use them and whatever they can for the gospel! :) if he wins, can my prize be to come over and play at the Woo residence? :D
do you have a moment? how about a lifetime. AHAHAHAHAHA
ahahaha i voted. i liked cyrus'.
i voted too! =)
voted :)
@all - Thanks, everyone!
@Christine, Grace - Please surrender your identity in order to claim your prize.
I voted! =) There were a few other interesting ones, but many were dismally painful to read. Ugh.
Painful in the sense that they made my sides hurt from laughing - some from innate cheesiness, others from how awkward they would sound if actually applied in their designated context.
i voted
for cyrus, of course.
some were really cheesy... -___-;;;
voted for cyrus as his was among the best for sure
hope you win that bible!
grace baek :]
Voting ended Nov 5th... still no results!
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