to the (supposed to be) monthly Poker Night at the Woo's
where we play for non-cash prizes! :)

For this month...
Date: Thursday, July 30
Time: 6pm
Entrance Fee: FREE
Dinner: Provided
Rides: Not provided
The Woo Society's Hall of Fame:
1. Mrs. Woo
2. (J)onny/Mrs. Woo
3. It could be YOU!
1. Mrs. Woo
2. (J)onny/Mrs. Woo
3. It could be YOU!
First 5* to leave a comment below will have their place reserved.
Hurry - spaces/food are limited!
*Exclusions do NOT apply.
i want to!!! but it's a thursday...i dunno if i can... :T
hmm... i guess it's time to brush up on probability? haha i should be able to make it.
why do I care that food is "limited" if food is "not provided"? :(
but regardless, im totally down. count me in.
@Dan - Food IS provided; Rides are not. Limited b/c my pot can only hold so much. :P
oh wow I'm dyslexic today. SOrry, i transfered the "not" to the "food" part.
i'll bring some snacks (if i remember) :)
the defending champ obviously needs to play or else it is DEFINITELY not worth the fun =)
@Jonny - That's why I'm going to be there. :P
all in
i will bring my p-p-p-p-poker face! :D
is it my my my poker face?
agh my sister and i always argue about that.
anyway, i COULD have been first to comment, but I wanted to see who would comment first. hahaha. niiice attract comments by bribery! <3
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