To celebrate, we went to our students' basketball games. Rewind. It's really a 3-day celebration - teacher style...
Last night, Mr. Woo surprised me to dinner at Osha's in the city!

I'm a big fan of Thai food, and on top of that, our window seat was near perfect. (It happened to be the same table that the guys dined at as Part II of his bachelor party.) I sat with my feet up and crossed the whole time - and it was appropriate. The food was superb.

Today, we grabbed dinner with Joe H. (aka Third Wheel) before heading out to the games. They were so funny. At this Summer Slam you'll see/hear so much traveling, bouncing (with the ball), "dribble toward the basket!!!", and sounds of children having a ball (puahah, so punny). One of my girls was dominating the game. Being the supportive teacher that I am, I cheered and thew out some "THAT'S MY STUDENT!" and "EXTRA CREDIT!" from the sideline. After their 4 quarters of organized chaos, H and Mr. Woo had a 2 on 2 game with the kids. Within a few minutes they were playing again 7 full-of-energy kiddos (where do they get all the energy, even at the end of the day???) and were sweating it up. Fast food + kids screaming + sweat... ah yes, the romance is in the air.
Tomorrow we're switching it up a bit and going to the Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton. There we will not only be surrounded by children but adults(!) as well. As much as I love working with children, I need my daily doses of adult interaction to keep sane and level. What I'm looking foward to tomorrow: the ferris wheel, the food, the quarter toss game, and spending time with my dear hubby. :)
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