Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Letter to Princess Tu-Zi Bunny

My dear Sweetie Pie (Mommy's favorite kind of pie),

Has it already been six months since you've made your traumatic entrance into this noisy world, where I can protect you from laptop cords and icky bugs but not your sinful nature nor mine? I remember those painful 28 hours but cherish each day I have at home to take care of and play with you. You look up at me with your almond eyes and sometimes furrowed brows, wanting me to join you on the blanket that once lay beneath me as an infant. I oblige, and you scrunch your nose. You're happy, but I think I might be happier. I'm so happy that I want to document every waking every moment, so I have you sit, or sleep, through various photo shoots which include all sorts of props and outfits. You oblige, and I scrunch my nose.

Let's remember to thank Daddy when he comes home from his grueling day of work. He understands his role as a father and the weighty responsibility that comes with leaving and cleaving. Because of Daddy's diligent work, Mommy can sit next to you on the couch, instead of a babysitter sitting you in front of an "idiot box" known as a TV. With your excellent hearing, you'll look up at the sound of the keys in the lock. And when he walks through the door, you'll give him a ginormous grin, drool dripping down and all, with a squeal of delight. He just might be your favorite, but there's no question that you are Daddy's girl. You won't remember it, but Daddy reads to you often. It's a precious sight. The two of you even go for a stroll to watch the cars, greet the dogs trotting by, and pick up the mail on the way back. You find it funny when he does his sit ups, and oh, how you love the hide-and-seek games.

After all that we've been through, and it sure was quite a bit for both you and me, I'm convinced that there's nothing we can't do - by His grace. If there's anything you learn from Mommy and Daddy I hope that it would be to love the Lord. Rejoice, give thanks, and serve Him, little one. This world will eventually and perpetually let you down, but He remains steadfast. The glorious God who has been so good to us will be the same faithful God in your pilgrimage. Hopefully you'll continue to express the observant, inquisitive spirit that you possess now, in digging through Scripture to find the many gems, but my hope is not in you nor my imperfect parenting. Just as you don't like to be alone, cling to the cross. Just as you babble lengthy conversations, speak Truth. Just as you get excited in your jumper, be glad in each day that the Lord gives you. And just as you look at the front of your hand, the back, and the front again, examine the life you live. May it be for the One who knows the number of hair on your head, crafts each watercolored sunset, and will come again so that every knee will bow.

Here's to however many more years He lets us borrow you. :)

Much love and some sleepless nights,

P.S.  Mommy can't believe how darling you look in this picture and can't stop gawking at it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hubby did what?!

After my version of Lady and the Tramp for pre-Valentine's Day, Mr. Woo said some mumbo-jumbo about not being able to top it. I went my merry way thinking that'd be fine since I'm the creative side of our unit. I was convinced of this when he was watching another "Linsane" moment unfold on his laptop in the kitchen while preparing dinner and announcing that our meal would be later than planned. And if I had any smidgen of a doubt that it'd be anything impressive, the smoke alarm going off drove it away.

So imagine my surprise when he calls me into the kitchen and he not only has perfectly-cooked poultry sitting in front of me, he's given attention to the ambiance as well. But that wasn't all... He graciously decides to take on the role of chef, waiter, and clean up duty this night. *swoon*


Appetizer: Organic corn tortilla chips with fresh guacamole
Beverage: Bottomless Martinelli's apple cider
Primo: Rosemary Garlic Chicken with broccoli florets
Secondi: Rachers' Reserve Filet Mignon with hand-mashed red potatoes
Dessert: (burnt) Banana Nut Bread a la mode

Restaurant quality food with superior service, at a fraction of the cost. Selah ended up napping and let us enjoy our meal instead of reaching for our plates and putting the tablecloth in her mouth! I'm all for making this an annual tradition. :)

My Review: It wasn't my first time dining here, but it was the first time I've been so thoroughly impressed! The chef seasoned the meat with exquisite TLC. The server was attentive and courteous (and handsome). FIVE STARS! I hope to dine here again!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pre-Valentine's Day dinner

This year, Mr. Woo decided to cook on the hallmark holiday of love while I tackled the day before. I ended up cooking while doing two loads of laundry and trying to calm a teething infant, but it turned out alright. We shared a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, and individual plates of spinach salad with cranberries, almonds, avocado, and heart-shaped eggs. Romantic, right?

Yes, well, baby certainly makes three. The poor thing is teething and wants to be held/comforted, so she eventually joined the scene. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Good food, great company!

My two favorite people in the whole wide world:

Why, yes, that is our petite Christmas tree in the background. Only 10 more months before it's Christmas again! (Procrastination at it's finest...)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Babyhood of the traveling parents

Mr. Woo and I like to travel. It was one of the things I thought I'd have to give up once I was pregnant, but I've been surprised to see that it's possible. My packing list was lengthier and the process took more time, not to mention the extra laundry to do before rushing out the door to make it to check-in on time, but possible.

Here's what worked for our recent trip.

1. Be realistic
With Selah being young, we knew that she might wail with ear trouble on a plane or not last several hours sitting in her car seat so an in-state two-hour drive during her nap was good grounds for everyone. We stayed out there for two nights and made sure that feeding, burping, and changing diapers were the very last tasks to happen before we drove anywhere. Sometimes you do have to take an infant on a plane or need to take a lengthy ride, but I'm just talking circumstances that you can somewhat plan.

2. Make a list of items to pack
Lists work for me because I seem to have lost some memory-storing capability while delivering the placenta (seriously, what happened?). I like to pack light so I'll plan my outfits in layers that easily mix-and-match. Now with a baby, I just needed to bring a few more tops for the unexpected spit up and/or massive drool fest on my sleeves. For Selah's bag I mentally went through a typical day and made sure I covered all the items needed for play time, nap time, diaper changes, feedings, outings, etc. For example, when we co-sleep she has one lap pad underneath her head (in case of spit up) and one lap pad underneath her bottom (in case of leak from massive poop), so I made sure to bring the duo for the hotel bed.

3. Do laundry the day before
Since the trip was a surprise for me I had to do laundry the morning of. We share washers and dryers with others in the apartment complex, but they were available so we'd be packed and off in no time, right? No, the washer broke. Both of them. So our clothes were sitting in one drum full of water while our baby's clothes were floating in the other. If I can help it, I'm doing laundry the night before my next trip.

4. Don't jam-pack the entire day with activities
It may be too stimulating for the baby. I might need to feed. A poopy diaper may cause us to be late to the show. I may not even want to go to the show by that time. Instead, we went for a stroll and took in the scenery. We liked making good use of our camera and finding new places to eat. A two-day pass to the aquarium was just the right amount of happenings for us.

5. Be prepared for insomnia - for all parties

Selah had a difficult time sleeping the first night. When I heard footsteps above I felt bad because I didn't want them to be upset. Mr. Woo did call the hotel ahead of time to make sure it was baby-friendly though. They even offered a play pen if we needed/chose to borrow one for free. We felt more comfortable bringing her into (the king size) bed so we chose that option.

6. Enjoy the time together
Sure, she might have gotten a little anxiety with all the strange smells, but we try to fascinate our baby with the big doggy trotting by or the twiggy tree with pretty foliage. In fact, we had a passerby snap a picture of the family - we were on vacation!

Bonus: Clean the home before leaving.
Let's face it, no one likes coming home to dishes. I can't stand having them sit there just overnight, but having a baby has made me deal with certain preferences head on. If I had more time without the laundry debacle, I probably would have at least washed the dishes and picked up a few things in the living room. But I didn't, and many don't because they're looking for the missing sock or stuffing their weekender bag with water and a few snacks for the road. That is why it's a bonus. :)

Everything else was part of our normal routine: window shades in the car, blanket and toy in the car seat, stroller and car seat adapter in the trunk, portable changing pad and spare bib in my bag, several nursing pads, a few extra diapers and a pack of wipes, wetbag for her cloth diapers, and "first aid kit," which at the moment only contains a nose sucker, pacifier, Aquaphor, nail clippers, CJ's butter, and GroVia magic stick (I keep forgetting to throw in the thermometer). Kaiser's phone number is saved on my phone and we can always use Mr. Woo's smart phone to Google any questions. Whew, babies require so much for such little bodies!

What are your tips for traveling with a wee one?