Mr. Woo is officially done with teaching (at least for now)! God has been so good (as usual) in guiding and directing our little family's steps. From his start date to insurance, and even some things that we hadn't considered, has been panning out in His perfect timing and we're so grateful for it all. Mr. Woo's involvement in the students' lives won't be as much (right?), but I'm sure they'll keep in touch. As a parting gift, I had the middle schoolers decorate vest cards and write a note on the back which I'll later use to put together another
scrapbook. On his last day of school, two of his students (twins) pooled their own money (and using some of their baby sister's birthday money) to buy him a gigantic present. Meet the new guest in our home:
He took up two of the three seats in the back of our car, but I'd say he's made himself at home and is adjusting well with us.
This week, Mr. Woo completed his first week of training at his
new job. He had his first quiz, which he earned 100% on, had his first meeting with all employees with the founder of the company, and survived it all. I'm so proud of him! On the first day, we woke up to the call of, "I'll be in front of your house in a few minutes," so he got ready in five. I, more than anything that would happen that day, wanted to feed him so I made him a breakfast sandwich, kissed him good-bye, and sent him off. We got better about waking up as the week progressed.
Here's what my mornings are starting to look like now:
6:00-6:15 Wake up and make breakfast for Husband
6:15-6:20 Send Husband off to work with verbal reminders and lunch in hand
6:20-6:35 Wash up and eat breakfast
6:35-6:45 Pack my fruits and snacks for the day
6:45-7:00 Get dressed for work
7:00-7:15 Turn on computer for devotions
7:15-7:30 Check e-mail / play with make-up / light cleaning around the home
7:30-7:45 Wait for carpool ride

My evening routine has changed now too. I'm able to do dishes, pack Mr. Woo's lunch for the next day (which I never had to do before due to school lunches), and even try to squeeze in laundry or tackle some cleaning before going to bed around 10:00 P.M. It's been so wonderful coming home much earlier than when he was teaching. I cannot express how happy it makes me to be able to do accomplish these tasks before turning in for the night. Is that strange of me or just how God designed women? Unfortunately, I only have a few more months of this blissful "playing wife (only)" business. Once Baby Woo arrives, I'll have double duty. I look forward to making up for lost time in the summer when I won't be working at school anymore.
I'm still looking for their Achilles' heel, but all that I'm hearing/reading about this company (I read through their benefits packet before he did and can list my favorite facts) seems too good to be true. Or perhaps it sounds so good to me for a different reason. Light is much brighter when contrasted with darkness after all.
One week down, seven more to go.
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