Another year has come and gone again. Our first anniversary is right next door! I thought jumping into work right after graduating was a tough transition, but it turned out to be cake compared to all that 2009 has brought us!
On the 2nd day, we married then took off on our
7-night honeymoon on a cruise to Mexico Riviera. A week later, we returned still married and lovey-dovey to our respective jobs at the same school, Mr. Woo in 6/7/8 Math and Mrs. Woo in Third grade.

Mr. Woo has been teaching at school, while also being a full-time student for his credentials. He's been thoroughly enjoying his time at school - staying as late as possible - in attempts to build relationships with students and genuinely caring for their souls. However, he hasn't liked being a student again. He is back in school for his credentials as a means to provide for the family as he is called to do. Mr. Woo's leadership has been a blessing to the family, and still he strives to be a better husband with each new day. Mr. Woo has been adjusting into his role of Children's Ministry director at church, overseeing the Toddlers', Childrens', Youth, Awana, The Eastbay Academy Tutoring programs. And preaching every Sunday for the Childrens' service as well. (He covets your prayers!) This year has been one of
diving into the Word as he's been finding glimmery nuggets of Truth and sharing them with others. I'm so encouraged (and challenged) to wake up most mornings and see him already up to prepare himself for the day's battles.

As for me, I've been enjoying the hands-on training that I get
as a teacher. I'm making mental notes of what I would like and would not like to implement in child-rearing and educating (we're thinking about homeschooling) as we save up for future "investments." I've also been helping out in Toddlers' Ministry at church. Though I was bummed to not be serving in the college Covenant Flock Group, I'm happy to be ministering to the parents in this way and co-laboring alongside Husband. I've had my fair share of drama this year (pun intended), but rather than jumping into (musical) theatre, God opened doors to join the WEBS Praise Team. It's been a joy serving, knowing that I'm edifying the body. I'm thankful for your encouragement. This past year also gave me more responsibilities behind-the-scenes. Taking care of the home, cooking for my family, working full time, serving in TM, and helping with weddings has kept me very busy. It's been incredibly humbling and sanctifying but a great lesson in my need to set priorities and work heartily for the Lord, even if no one else acknowledges it.
The Woos as a couple have learned so much about themselves, especially our sinful tendencies. Every argument has been due to selfishness and a resistance to putting the other first. Of course, Mr. Woo has been persistent in not letting the sun go down on our anger (cf. Eph. 4:26), and so I'm able to laugh about the matter shortly after. If you think of us, please pray for us and our growth in 2010!
- Mr. Woo - Selfless and bold leadership
- Mrs. Woo - Humble and joyful submission
A New Year's post wouldn't be one without the (90%-of-what-we-set-will-probably-not-cross the-2-week-mark) resolutions...
For 2010:
- Become a Berean.
- Become a Proverbs 31 woman.
Simple, right? So after I master that, I'll tackle the following more measurable goals:
- Change my e-mail address.
- Change my drivers license.
- Change my passport.
- Change my CCs... (hey, at least I finally changed my legal name!)
- Lose the wedding weight.
- Write a few songs.
- Write a children's book.
- Budget consistently.
- Vacation frequently yet while being budget savvy.
- Get pregnant (and glow).
Which tasks have you listed after the phrase "For the year 2010, I will..."? ;)