Mr. Woo's entry was one of the winners! WOOHOO! :)
Here's the e-mail that he forwarded to me:
Congratulations! The votes from our Ice Breaker Contest have now been tallied and you're one of the lucky winners!
Dear Member:
We really appreciate your involvement in this contest. What a blessing to receive so many responses, and to see the interest in voting. Our goal was to create some excitement over the act of giving away Gospels of John and your entry helped accomplish that. People liked yours enough that it placed in the top 3 of category votes!
We'll be posting a web page shortly with all the details so you can see how your entry compared to others. But we wanted to let you know right now that you're one of the winners, with no further delay. We'll also be sending out a broadcast message to our members next week with additional information and listing the first names of the winners and their hometowns.
I'd like to know if your involvement in this contest helped to encourage you to share more boldly or more effectively. Just reply back to me with any thoughts you might have. I'd like to include some of these responses in our message to members, so please understand that these responses might be used in our member communication.
Also, we need to know what version you prefer for your Bible. You can choose from NIV, KJV or ESV. Just reply with your choice and provide a physical address for us to send to, and your phone number (in case you don't have one on file or it's out of date).
May God bless your sharing efforts, and thanks again for being involved.
"For I know your eagerness to help...and your enthusiasm has stirred most of them to action."- 2 Corinthians 9:2
The e-mail even came with an attachment to make it seem official:
You are receiving this e-mail because you have voted in the Ice Breaker Contest!
Mr. Woo has chosen to receive a copy of the ESV Bible. As a token of appreciation to the participants, we would like to present to you your very own buttery new copy of the ESV Bible filled with weighty content. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your prize. The holiday season is quite the busy one for this newlywed couple.
Thank you.
wait so he only won once? I thought we were gonna have him win all of the Bibles!
@Dan - We musn't be greedy now...
wait... are you serious?? does this mean I get a brand spankin new ESV bible, too??? sorry... i'm seriously confused. i can't tell if you're joking or serious.
i didn't get that e mail!
and YES i voted!
@Sara - haha, I didn't send the e-mail. I posted it. Good thing though, because I did forget that you voted... That's why I have to have it written! But now I shall not forget. :)
huh? you're going to give us bibles?
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