Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spring Chicks

Our third(!) Easter as Husband & Wife has come and gone. This year, I was awakened into a theological interview that went something like this...

Mr. Woo: Boo-
Mrs. Woo: zZZzZz...
Mr. Woo: Boo?
Mrs. Woo: Hm?
Mr. Woo: What do you think is the significance of Christ's resurrection?
Mrs. Woo: Hm?
Mr. Woo: What do you think is the significance of Christ's resurrection?
Mrs. Woo: Mm, we believe in a God that's alive.
Mr. Woo: What do you mean?
Mrs. Woo: If Christ didn't rise from the dead, we'd be worshiping a dead God. But He didn't, so He's alive.
Mr. Woo: ___________

I don't know what he said after that because I slowly quickly drifted back to sleep. I only remembered the vague conversation in the middle of Pastor John's Easter sermon. The rest of our Resurrection Sunday was spent with church family and Youth Group students. We ended the day with a Homegroup meeting discussing the next chapter in What Is A Healthy Church Member? by Thabiti M. Anyabwile.

Last year I had the time to actually produce something crafty in the kitchen:
 A mother hen and her flock of newly hatched chicks!

I showed my work to Mr. Woo, but he might have been more excited about this part:

How was your Easter Sunday?


Junia said...

omg. thoes chicks are SUPER cute. JANE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH

Bethany said...

ditto junia's comment =) =) =)

dan tsai said...

AHAHA! well done