Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What he must be

The book fair is here this week at school. I remember how excited I'd get to see the hundreds of books lined up on portable cardboard stands inside the library, the cuddly-looking animals gracing the glossy bookmarks, and of course insisting that I must own every single item that my heart desired. Now I have the entertainment joy of watching my students going through the same experience, practicing the money skills that I've taught them and forgetting the money-management skills that I've hounded at them.

Last night, Mr. Woo and I went on an impromptu make-up date (we missed last week to hang out with our co-working gang). Though brief, it was a sweet time. One of the topics that came up was the book fair, specifically "the one book that caught [his] eye." Drumroll please...

Here it is:
What He Must Be ...if he wants to marry my daughter

Oh, dear Husband. I don't know what he'll do if we have a daughter. He'll smother her with love and be the overprotective father that girls never wanted. If the time comes I'd like to marry her off early, but I have a feeling she's not going to have very many suitors...



dan tsai said...

haha i'm not surprised at all that the book caught his eye.

junia said...

i love baucham!