Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You know the rest,
But my Honey is the best!
After lunch, I had my kids reading quietly at their desks and/or on the rug. Suddenly, two middle school students enter the classroom and make a beeline for my desk. On it, they purposefully place a tall glass cylinder. My students and I look at each other. I give them a shrug, and they respond with an anticipatory giggle. At this point, I'm thinking that the middle schoolers want to show me a super-cool science experiment in preparation for the upcoming Science Bowl since they had left a tiny yet bright, orange post-it, which read: Hold on please. Another seventh grader enters with the familiar blue water bottle that Mr. Woo recently received. He craftily pours the water into the (what I thought was at the time) large beaker. And so it began.

After a few roses made their way onto my desk, my third graders caught on to the pattern. A pod of them peered out the door to announce where the wiser fish were swimming out of, "Mrs. Woo, they're all outside under the stairs!" shouting out their predictions of who was behind the scheming, "It's Mr. Woo! I see Mr. Woo!" While I let the Peeping Toms proceed, the other side of the room was shouting their commentary of, "Mrs. Woo, you're so popular!" and "This is the best day ever!" and the like. It was spectacular fun, and the juxtaposition of my kids' energetic excitement and the older students' demure display of emotions was like peanut butter jelly.
After the dozen roses trickled in, Mr. Woo popped his head in to say Happy Valentine's Day. Using the students to surprise me? Perfect.

You even made me think the two roses you had sent in the morning (MS fundraiser?) via students was my gift. You are getting quite sneaky... (and plastering a big smile on this very happy wife with all these flowers!)

AWWWW so cutE! I like that really dramatic kid posing with the rose. :D I can't believe you thought to take pictures in the process... I would've been so shocked and just stood there taking it all in. haha! :)
1. a kid in the back row of the group picture is rocking a bowl cut. stylin.
2. I love the picture of your student jumping in the air in back of the room. hes goin nutso!
3. love the whole thing! Props to Mr Woo, and hope you guys had a good day (sounds like you did!)
ill see you guys soon, when i get back to America (less than TWO WEEKS)
awwwww ahahaha :)
reminds me of meet the parents! :D
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