(I'm not sure if Shane & Shane at First Pres counts, so I'll say that this was my first official concert with barcoded ticket stubs and all.)
Driving passed the super long lanes was a bit frightening, but we soon found close (and free - yes!) parking before joining the well-behaving crowd. I knew it'd be a long wait, but I wanted to go through the entire concert experience (try most things at least once!) - so we did. Here the line has actually moved:

This made us (and the people behind us, if you can spot them) very happy:
Once we were in and seated, the overpriced stand food was tantalizing our nostrils. It got to Mr. Woo more than me. The girl in front of us was eating a hot dog, and he kept eying it:

Though the tickets say "No cameras or recording devices," security didn't check for them nor take away. Everyone used this to their advantage. Yup, all those firefly-looking-like things:
Roses to:
- Jason's friend Bushwalla hosting
- Greek Theatre acoustics
- Smack in the middle seats (right above the floor)
- A woman bringing and throwing out glow sticks
- Being able to see despite there being so many people
- Brett Dennen opening
- Jason teaching the crowd a dance to "Dynamo of Volition"
- The bassist proposing to his (now) fiance
- Jason and his crew running out to the section between us and the bleachers to do so
- Then sing "Lucky" :)
- Jason Mraz. Seriously, wow.
Raspberries to:
- Paying that much for a concert (albeit it was my first ...and probably last)
- Long line outside of Greek Theatre
- Not being close in proximity to the woman with the glow sticks (didn't get one)
- First performance of the night by Robert Francis. Let's put it this way: he was asking someone on the side of the stage if he had time for one more and some in the crowd shouted "Noooo!" Poor guy... but he was really awkward with limited phrases used ("You're the best / Thank you / You guys are amazing")
- Long line for bathroom, women only (out of the bathroom and up the stairs, all the way up the stairs)
- A man bumping me and yelling, "Hey!" (Quick check to self: Did I accidently hit him? Speak to him? Or even look at him? No...) "Is that my heart?" Confused, "What?" He points to my shirt. "Ohhh," and walk away.
- The smell of marijuana from behind
- Memory card full in the middle of "Lucky." After deleting a different video, battery died. :(
- He didn't play "Mr. Curiosity"
- Leaving Jason at the concert
Ephiphany: I sang from the same stage as Jason Mraz!!!
Oh boy, y'all aren't kidding when you say this is the best concert. His showmanship is incredible, his witty spontaneity with a dynamic musical performance. After one of the songs, the guy behind me said, "Now that's a beautiful man."
Final thought: I want to be his friend.
And now that's one concert in my pocket.

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