Mr. Woo and I had planned for this long weekend to be Family Time. But after learning that a bachelorette party would be held for 2 days in Napa, we relocated to the vineyards so I could at least make it to the celebratory dinner.

I milked the cable TV (yay, Food Network!), was startled when the jets in the tub started blowing air while I was still in it (I think it was to dry off the tub... pretty cool, but scared me like no other - think "The Clown"), enjoyed the amenities and cottage-like feel to the place, and had a relaxing time away from work.

After we checked out, he headed off to a wine tasting salon to learn about this practice. Then it was to St. Supery, a vineyard north of La Belle Epoque. We opted for this route because it was a self-paced tour and free of charge. We watched the grape crushing process in the back and even tasted some of the grapes that would later become wine. Some were sweet; others were sour.

Doesn't this one look like he's going to pull out a carton of orange juice (a la the commerical)?

Spending time with Mr. Woo and not feeling the need to constantly check e-mail or brainstorm ideas for more effective teaching was wonderful. Another part of the trip that made me happy was the perfectly lined rows of trees/vines. It made me happier than seeing pencils set parallel to sheets of paper!
With these happy thoughts I leave you with. Happy labor(-free) day!

convo we had regarding you leaving cyrus for dinner
sara: jane is leaving her husband this wkend
one of the oh sisters: WHAT! WHY? DIDN'T THEY JUST GET MARRIED???
sara: WHAT? NO! she's leaving him for an hr to have dinner with us..
glad you had a good wkend :)
ahhahaha estera. that's hilarious
sounds like you guys have a new hobby. B&B
ooooo! I've never been to a B&B. Your pictures have made it looks so relaxing and enjoyable. :D
ive already read this post. need new updates. see i commented! :P
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