Today, as I reflect on God's goodness in our lives, I'm thankful our very own

Perhaps it seems a rather silly to celebrate something of this sort, but I'm realizing more that each day holds a list of its own miracles. For example, isn't is wonderful how God created legs for us to propel ourselves to and fro? And the air in our lungs for breath? And it fascinates me so the way that babies begin their life (little people!) with exactly the environment they need - in their mother's womb! With that, I rejoice in today's events and blessings.

How we celebrated our one-year-since-we-"officially"-committed-to-marriage:
- We were (sadly) late to corporate worship at Teachers' Service
- Mrs. Alina and I walked our TM toddlers through some "I'm sorry for ______. Will you forgive me?" action
- Mr. Woo preached to the CM kids on Matthew
- We heard the wonderful news that baby Annalise (sp TBD) Tan would soon make her appearance into the "real world"
- We met a visiting guest who will be starting his senior year at CAL and wants to marry early (hint hint, single ladies!)
- Mr. Woo, Nolie, and I drove down to San Jose for dinner with my parents
- We saw curry on sale at the market and literally bought 10 boxes of it
- We ate at Palace - the "get your money's worth" method (overstuffing with mainly meat) instead of the "sane consumer" method (eating lots of greens and a rational portion of meat)
- Mr. Woo fell asleep - in the same spot from where he had been devouring cows
- I woke him up to show him my very first cherry stem that I had tied with my tongue!
- Mr. Woo and I had a cherry stem knotting contest
- We had a rematch
- Then Nolie joined us for another round
- Mrs. Mom laughed
- As we said our good-bye, Mr. Daddy told me, "Your stomach is sticking out. Go use the restroom to empty it out." (It was funnier in Korean... Direct translations never convey the same meaning.)
- We came back with our clothes and hair reeking and our tummies very satisfied.
- Jonny staying/sleeping over (tentative)
What are you celebrating today?

Today I celebrated the blessings that come with being a brother-in-law and third spare-tire.. now that is something to be thankful for! :D
Hi guys,
Don't worry...i'll be staying tonight hahaha.
oh fine...i guess it's ok to miss basketball for the 1 year anniversary of the proposal, but cyrus better bring his stuff next week.
the paparazzi even sniped pictures of each other!
I celebrated a rare day off -- no work, no softball, no church meetings, no cooking. it was much needed time!
@All - :)
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