Happy New Year!
Mr. Woo and I were actually able to do a countdown to ring in the new year. I didn't know something so simple could make me so happy, but it did. :)
But since I'm still stuck in 2010 as seen on some of my papers (I know, being a teacher you'd think I'd have it down by now), let's finish out the year with a few more memories.

The early part of my Christmas present was received on a Date Night before heading off for the winter break. Again, no frills and bugles but it was such a sweet gesture, especially considering how many hours he actually put into planning, choosing, and organizing the mix. (Thank you to those of you who made contributions!)

The Christmas holiday was an elongated blur for me. We visited my parents for a night before heading to SoCal to visit the in-laws, whom we accompanied to Sin City. Friends, never let me go there again (or at least have some sort of plan if I have to go). Smoking allowed indoors, flashing billboards ev.er.y.where, among some other not-for-me items on their agenda. Maybe if we had seen "The Lion King" or Cirque du soleil... The food was good though.
Up next, some Christmas presents and a look at how I did with my set of 2010 resolutions, and any new resolutions planned for 2011.