Still on the ship, but still finding things to do!
Here's our breakfast:

Cute, huh? :) Cy's had sausage and hashbrown next to it, and a yummy danish on the side.
This morning, we went to the counter to get a print out of our bill. We discovered that we had some money refunded due to oil prices dropping? Not sure why this happened but the man and woman had different responses to this...
Mrs. Woo: Wow, this is great!
Mr. Woo: Yeah, we have extra money now.
Mrs. Woo: Let's spend it on eating and shopping!
Mr. Woo: Nooo, it means we can save this.
Mrs. Woo: Oh, right, yeah... Can we spend a some of it?

Later we saw a cool demonstration of fruit carving!

Apparently, these men watched their fathers do this in the Philippines, and there's even a school for it. Check it out:

We think her eyeball is made of olives.

Try sending this to your boss next Christmas.



"Hey, Shrek!"

I can't post all of them because I want to post some other pictures, too. Like lunch!
We sat with this other couple in their late 30's or so. The guy was funny. We asked him to take a picture for us, but before doing so we wanted to make sure "nobody was home." His commentary: That's a good one.
Click. ... Okay, we'll take a nice one too.

Not too long after Afternoon Tea is dinner. In the meantime, we're probably figuring out the floor plan by walking around the ship, getting exercise (and bragging rights) by competing against each other in ping pong, or playing Scrabble on the balcony while keeping our eyes/ears out for dolphins. ("Oh, look!" means those who are on their balcony have spotted the dolphins. "Ohhh~" means the dolphins are jumping out of the water. "Amazing" means we're too late in catching a look at the cool creatures.)
Here we are on our balcony:

By the way, we had a drill where everyone grabs a life vest upon hearing the alarm go off and gather at the appointed place. (Thank you, Titanic for what
not to do.) So for all those who warned me of pirates and sinking ships, Princess has got us covered.
Before dinner, we went to go take portraits again. We went to another "studio" location (they had about 5 or so) for B&W. Our pictures from yesterday turned out nice and one of them even got a sticker as the photographers recommendation! Yeah, America's Top Models are here y'all! J/K. At the rate we're eating, we'll never get a step onto the catwalk. Regardless, I look forward to seeing the photos displayed in the foyer. We haven't bought any yet so that we can compare and choose all of them at the end. They're quite pricey at 20 a pop.
Back to food:

More than the shows, the best entertainment thus far - Piano Man:

Tomorrow is our first port at Puerto Vallarta! WOO-hoo!